The Siren’s Song

Stop your damn singing…I don’t need you anymore

Misti Lynn
Doctor Funny
3 min readFeb 20, 2022


Photo by Biel Morro on Unsplash

It’s finally over, y’all.

I swear I fucking mean it this time. I pulled the plug on a supremely toxic relationship…with that succubus of a siren in the green apron. You know the one I’m talking about…

It hasn’t been easy. We’ve spent years together. God knows, I couldn’t have made it through some of the more soul-sucking afternoons of my life without her. The lure of her siren song is too strong to resist. I wanted her so badly some days, that I could think of nothing else. I needed the sweet promise of satisfaction that only she can bring to my empty, barely beating heart.

Sadly, my undying love is not enough for her…she just keeps wanting more. More time, more outward displays of my dedication to her. At first, I was happy to give her what she wanted. It was worth it, you see, for the rush I felt in her arms.

I found myself making deals, bargaining in my mind the ways to carry on this relationship… “I’ll only see her 3 times a week.” I told myself. “Well, maybe 4, if it’s a holiday.” Everyone needs a little extra love during the holidays, don’t they?

But now…now she’s pushed me too far. You’ve asked for too much, Mermaid. I gave you my heart, and it’s not enough. Now you want the fucking stars? No, this is it. I can’t…I won’t, do that.

I’ve given her all I have…My time, my money, my love. It will never be enough…I know that now. Her greed will never be satisfied.

So, as painful as it is, I finally said no more. There’s nothing that temptress can do to hold me. She thought I wouldn’t do it, that she was irreplaceable, but she was so wrong. I’ve already found a new love. The replacement may be a little cheap, and slightly easy, but right now she makes me happy.

Oh, I still long for the Mermaid, but I don’t need her anymore.

It was good while it lasted. I hoped it would go on forever, that I could one day give enough to keep her happy, but it’s not meant to be…She will always want more than I can give.

Twenty-five stars to be exact…that’s the price that gold digger is putting on our relationship. Just 25 stars…For some damn cream and sugar in my life.

I can’t do it…I can’t give her what she wants. I was willing to give her my time, patiently waiting my turn for just a few moments each day with her. I gave her my money, more and more with every passing week. But my stars? My stars??? The absolute fucking nerve of this witchy woman! It’s just more than I can swallow. My pride won’t let me sacrifice my stars for such little reward.

It’s been a long time coming, but that Siren crossed the line. It won’t be easy…I know I’ll still hear her beckoning song calling to me in moments of weakness… But I’m strong, and when I’m done, I’m fucking done.

I was under the spell of that beautiful mistress for far too long. Now, I will find comfort in the arms of another…I will get what I need from the sleek body of the replacement…cold brew maker that I bought online the day I was charged 80 cents for add-ons in my coffee. I couldn’t believe it! 25 stars or 80 cents to make my afternoon beverage just a little tastier.

Oh, you sweet Siren…I hear your call, but you’ll never get my stars. Not for a splash of cream and some classic syrup. No matter how badly I want you, we are so over.

At least until peppermint mocha season comes around…



Misti Lynn
Doctor Funny

I'm writing through a season of change in my life. I'm a gypsy at heart, ready for adventure. I love all music, strong coffee and learning through experience.