This may have been a bad dream. It’s definitely a bad story

The Story of a Cat That Nearly Made 10 Lives

A social media community bulletin board ‘situation’. It takes a community to bury a cat.

Doctor Funny
Published in
6 min readFeb 3, 2023


Photo by Tor Stryger on Unsplash. A cat’s paw.

I cannot vouch that this story is true, I’ve been having recurring nightmares about Kristine Laco coming into my bedroom dressed in Candy Crush red-striped PJs and sitting at the end of my bed laughing at my Candy Crush level. I’m not getting much sleep.

Laco — please stop throwing coloured jellies at me. I much prefer counting woolly sheep.

But this is my recollection of what happened:-

A cat had nearly made it through the busiest intersection in Scotland. I repeat … nearly. It was in the Outer Hebrides, very close to the Inner Hebrides. We were all at sea.

Due to the scarcity of humans, they had a WhatsApp message Group to connect with the inhabitants. They also randomly used the service to pass the time, due to abject boredom.

Malky: Hi, a quick message to all local bulletin-board community members. (Like who else was listening). I just stopped my Jaguar next to a dead tabby cat lying in the road at the intersection of Edinburgh and Haggis Roads. I think it’s a male. Has



Doctor Funny

Brand Nerd. Waiting for the fat lady to sing ! Dyslexic - is it there or their. Passionate about making time to just think!! Sadly thinking hasn’t helped much.