Funny Excuses for Baron Von Shitzinpants!

Trump Excuses Himself

The June 27, 2024, Debate is off (probably)

Lela Cargill
Doctor Funny
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2024


Trump is so funny! Canva Pro Image

Laughing All the Way

  • Remember when Trump said he would debate Joe Biden anywhere, anytime?
  • Remember when Trump said he would testify in the “hush money” trial?
  • He also said, “I did not have sex with that porn star? She’s not my type.”

He is struggling to get out of his accepted challenge to debate the current President. Mostly because he will fail miserably, and he knows it. He might accept the debate, then deliberately “lose” so he will have an excuse to continue making stupid jokes about Biden’s stutter. He thinks that will cover up his inability to process coherent thoughts and ideas.

Trump has obvious signs of “sundowners” dementia. Patients with this condition have memory, speech, and motor issues right after sunset. There is no known reason for this, except the signs are obvious to a trained geriatric physician. Many of Trump’s fans probably think he’s trying to be funny. His “super brain” is being eaten away by prions or whatever. There is no cure. He will continue to decline to a state of what looks like “zombieism.” Maybe he can get a starring role in the next zombie apocalypse. Might even…



Lela Cargill
Doctor Funny

Lela is a Medical Laboratory Scientist with a BA in Journalism from SHSU, Retired and Writing. Join my Infinite Universe!. Please enable your sarcasm font!