Part of my 31st Wedding Anniversary Montage. A reprisal.

We are Giving Birth … I Have the Main Job … I’m Commentating!

Giving birth is not painful at all. I should know … I was in the room! I felt no pain. But then again, I am a man.

Doctor Funny
Published in
8 min readFeb 21, 2024


This giving the ball to a wide receiver is child’s play Photo by Riley McCullough on Unsplash

Today is our 31st Wedding Anniversary. I have gone through a mental montage of the key moments. I’m in all of them, clearly, I’m the main player.

Have you noticed that they say, “We” had a baby, but when it comes to the pain, it’s no longer “we”. All of a sudden there is an “i” in team.

Commentating is painfully stressful. One slip and the listeners are no longer with you. There is no more trust. You have to think.

There is no thinking in childbirth. You just lay on your back and the body takes over. Pretty much how you get into the whole pregnancy experience. Even turkeys give birth. And they invented the expression:-

“You turkey…”

I will admit, however, having a decent “ball carrier” to pick up the slack, helps. And by BALL CARRIER … I mean wife! Mine’s a trooper. She often says,

I do everything around here.



Doctor Funny

Brand Nerd. Waiting for the fat lady to sing ! Dyslexic - is it there or their. Passionate about making time to just think!! Sadly thinking hasn’t helped much.