Well, This Is One Way to Fit in

I wish my dad would’ve been like him

Gaurav Jain
Doctor Funny


Photo by Toan Nguyen on Unsplash

Abdul, twenty-two, had recently moved to Australia to pursue a medical degree. It was his first time outside his home country, Saudi Arabia. In addition to experiencing culture shock, he was finding it difficult to fit in. So, he decided to write to his father.

Dear Abba,

Australia is a beautiful country. The people, weather and food are generally nice. However, the culture is quite different here. I am unable to fit in and make friends. For example, when I go to the university in my Ferrari wearing my gold chain, other students look at me as an alien. They all come together by train. I am thinking I should come back. Could I?

Your Son


Abdul’s father was distraught to read his son was struggling. He responded back to share his wisdom.

Dear Abdul,

It was not easy to read your email. You don’t need to worry. I have deposited twenty million dollars in your bank account. Go ahead and buy that damn train so that you can go with the other students.

Your Father

Al Habibi

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