Helpful hints for people with boobs

Why It's Unwise to Buy a Bra Online

And why I do it anyway

Jan M Flynn
Doctor Funny
Published in
5 min readMay 12, 2024


If only it were this easy. Image by Klaus Hausmann from Pixabay

Humans with breasts, I ask you this:

Allow me to clarify. I refer to anyone with mammaries that, for obtuse cultural reasons, require containment.

Readers of the masculine persuasion, who have chests featuring nothing more protuberant than pecs with nipples that — again, according to mystifying societal rules — can be blithely exposed to public view? Feel free to skip.

Not that you will. Because breasts.

Anyway, here’s my question, breast-bearers: how do you feel about shopping for bras?

That’s what I thought.

For me, bra shopping runs a close second to getting a root canal

At least with the root canal, you get local anesthesia. Bra shopping? You feel every wave of confusion, every sinking sense of frustration, every unpleasant elastic tug, every poke from a fastener hook or a vicious underwire.

Not to mention the low-grade humiliation. There you stand, bewildered amidst what looks like a grove of low-hanging twin fruits, trying to find any that might fit your unique shape as you risk…



Jan M Flynn
Doctor Funny

Writer & educator. The Startup, Writing Cooperative, P.S. I Love You, The Ascent, more. Award-winning short fiction. Visit me at