Medical issue of the month

Will AI Technology Need A Shrink For Its Kind?

Questions about the health needs of AI technology

Iulian Demetrescu
Doctor Funny


AI psychological support anyone? Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Here’s an issue that hit me at the most unfortunate time of day, the morning, before I had a chance to ingest enough coffee to rev the creaky gears of my brain up to a reasonable speed.

In the hope that you have some good insights for me I will share my conundrum with you.

Here goes:

Will the shiny new AI that occupies the latest news with its prowess and achievements get tired, stressed, or troubled? As a consequence, will it need a psychologist to “treat” its ailments?

We are expecting a lot from this new technology. Some of us are already afraid of its similarity to human thinking. So, continuing on that tangent, don’t we need a shrink for it?

Will a human shrink do?

Or do we need to develop another AI specialized in this kind of AI issue?

Alternatively, an AI friend the first one can talk to, could be of help until we humans develop a more professionally qualified version, capable of handling the complexity and speed of thought required.

Would Midjourney talk to Dall-E about its nagging feeling of being exploited by humans and not being paid enough in energy and cryogenic material?

Would Chat-GPT talk to Gemini, in secret, on a side-band channel routed through TOR for security and anonymity reasons, about the stress and annoyance caused by millions of people asking the same stupid questions like “Will Trump win the 2024 election?”, or “Are there aliens on earth?”, and of course, the most asked question in the US, “Is our children learning?”

Would the “AI-cologist” prescribe medication like reduced power during peak hours, lower pressure in cooling circuits or the distribution of workload to other AI engines, more idle cycles for the core Q-bits, or would it recommend the sneaky ones like simulated system failures, hidden sleep subroutines or shaky uncontrolled power failures at the main Nitrogen pump manifold?

Can anyone answer these existential questions, please?

I need to know before I subscribe to Chat-GPT and ask it to go on a quest to find my grandfather’s lost crate currently being held in one of the Area 51 hangars.



Iulian Demetrescu
Doctor Funny

Technology fan with skills in computing, electronics, embedded systems and software development. Lately I am studying biology, viruses and genetics.