Azar & Turan — two sister cheetah cubs

Doctor Yak
The Yak
Published in
Feb 19, 2023

Young sister cubs Azar & Turan, 2 of only 14 known Asiatic cheetahs left in the world, are today being transferred to Turan national park.

Both cheetah cubs are in good physical condition.

In Turan National Park they will meet 10 month old Pirouz, the only male cub of a critically endangered species. He is still in a fluffy stage, 8 months from sexual maturity.

Pirouz. Credit: Erfan Samanfar

He remains metaphor of hope for a suffering nation. A number of Iranian conservationists saving this critically endangered species are still in jail:



Doctor Yak
The Yak

Yakking all day about technology, healthcare, history, culture and art.