BBC Earth Experience, Earl’s Court

And the legend of Sir David Attenborough

Doctor Yak
The Yak
4 min readJan 18, 2024


BBC Earth Experience, Daikin Centre, Earl’s Court.

(Photos are taken by me, from the experience. Feel free to use and credit this blog/instagram handle Doctoryak)

Sir David Attenborough, born on May 8, 1926, is unparalleled in his contributions to wildlife documentaries and environmental conservation. With a career spanning over seven decades, Attenborough he is a beloved and authoritative voice in the world of natural history filmmaking. His distinctive narration style, coupled with a deep passion for the planet’s biodiversity, have made him a household name globally.

This fragile globe

At the end of a year in which we saw the worst of humanity, I visited BBC Earth Experience at the Daikin Centre in London’s Earl’s Court. This is a moving, all-immersive experience isnarrated by Sir David himself, and focuses on sustainability as visitors are guided through the seven continents of the world one-by-one.

Elephants on Parade

The entry is into the main gallery, where huge screens adorn the walls — the entrance is very close to the exit and many were just lying on the floor cushions in a very relaxed manner watching the footage.

Folk sitting on the floor watching footage

This is taken from Seven Worlds, One Planet, and includes 360 degree audio through a main gallery area and three smaller rooms. The digital screens are phenomenal, accompanied by sound effects of natural life in the smaller areas and the footage covers the incredible biodiversity across land, air and sea, and draws attention to the major challenges facing our environment, from climate change to habitat loss.

Into the foliage

Some of the close-ups are truly stunning

My eyes are on you

The screens show the action from diffferent angles, initially a little overwhelming but then it becomes a fascinating watch throughout the vast space. The viewing patterns certainly help provide an overview of the scenes

View of the Northern Lights from the Gallery

I particularly liked an inverted curve screen up the stairs at the back of the main gallery, one of the quietest spots

Curvy screen at the back

It’s an ode to the decades dedicated by Sir David Attenborough, documenting the beauty of nature and rallying action to conserve it. Our planet is fragile, each of us has an impact on it, and we must appreciate the efforts of conservation champions like Attenborough, and the teams of filmmakers behind his work, to highlight this message to preserve our world for future generations.

Arise, Sir Lizard

On leaving the main gallery, there are images of David Attenborough from his seven-decade career, starting at the BBC in the 1950s

Working for the BBC in the 1950s — Sir Davis

The earth room provides an amazing three dimensional view of the Earth, where Sir David has the final word

For Us All

I don’t have any wains myself (that I’m aware of at least), but the exhibition also seemed very popular and inspiring for children, so highly recommend if you have a family.

Golden snub-nosed monkey

It’s not exactly cheap at around £32.50 to see an hour of film, but it is worth if for the experience.

BBC Earth Experience, Earl’s Court



Doctor Yak
The Yak

Yakking all day about technology, healthcare, history, culture and art.