Elon Musk’s favourite Nazis

If you think you’ve noticed Musk take it a step führther in amplifying Blut-und-Boden accounts recently, you’re certainly not mistaken.

Doctor Yak
The Yak
4 min readSep 3, 2024


A collage of the type of hate Elon Musk has promulgated since taking over Twitter

Historically, Malaysian incel Ian Miles “Hitler is my f*cking idol” Cheong is Elon Musk’s most interacted-with account…

Ian Miles Cheong, a Malaysian who is amongst Elon Musk’s most amplified accounts. He has stated “hitler is my fu*king idol”

But he is now engaging much more with folk who are much more consistently overt fans of Nazis and Hitler, chaps who deny the Holocaust, or talk about the “Jewish Question”… e.g “Iamyesyouareno” or Peter Sweden (below)

Iamyesyouareno — An account Elon Musk interacts with regularly who refers to “the jewish question”

Have a look at what they say, and remind yourself that this site’s owner, the richest man in the world, amplifies all of this ⬇️

Musk has recently retweeted Peter Sweden — who has made a number of comments about Jews prior to more recent Nazi racial ideology

He is, now more rapidly, moving away from common-or-garden race supremacists, and augmenting accounts which are much more open with their rassenideologie.

MonitoringBias — An account espousing Nazi racial theory. Elon Musk has had many interactions with this

Examples include Monitoring Bias (also called eyeslasho), above — very keen on racial theory from 1939–1945 Germany. Accounts such as “Unlimited Ls” and “The Artist formerly Known as Eric” have similar views.

Unlimited Ls — anti-semitic (and anti-Disney) content
Elon Musk “You have said the actual truth”…

One fascinating account is RadioGenoa — Similar to Ian, another South-East Asian man with far-right views, this time a Cambodian emigrant to Rome:

RadioGenoa, a Cambodian immigrant in Rome, who regularly posts far right content

These are all accounts which he has quote-tweeted or responded to in positive terms, raising their profiles and legitimising them.

End Wokeness, one of Musk’s favoured accounts, apparently run by Jack Posobiec.

Other notable accounts which he has interacted with include “End Wokeness” above, an account which according to many on this platform is run by Jack Posobiec. He regularly uses the 14/88 code — 1488 is a combination of two popular white supremacist numeric symbols. The first symbol is 14, which is shorthand for the “14 Words” slogan: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” The second is 88, which stands for “Heil Hitler” (H being the 8th letter of the alphabet). Together, the numbers form a general endorsement of white supremacy and its beliefs. As such, they are ubiquitous within the white supremacist movement

The key change is the shift from more codified Nazism (the odd 14/88 Nazi supremacy symbol, as can be seen in Jack Posobiec’s tweets below) to much more obvious hatred of minorities

More use of the 14/88 Nazi supremacist code in accounts Elon Musk interacts with

It’s not always Jews who are the main target of course, as AmyMek highlights below:

Jewish people aren’t the only target

Once again, these accounts aren’t just ones he has liked, they are accounts that he quote-tweets and responds to.

Great replacement theory, a well known Nazi ideology

Musk is now going all-in on Great Replacement Theory and quoting Neo-Nazi white supremacist and Holocaust denier, Kevin Alfred Strom who said in 1993 “to learn who rules over you…” (not Voltaire by the way).

Elon Musk quoting from a neo-Nazi white supremacist and Holocaust denier, Kevin Alfred Strom

The world’s richest man appears to be seeking to complete his grandfather J N Haldeman’s aspirations.

I guess the question is when enough will be enough for countries, and for companies which advertise on this platform?

How much holocaust denial, anti-semitism, Nazi racial ideology is required…?



Doctor Yak
The Yak

Yakking all day about technology, healthcare, history, culture and art.