Affected By Hurricanes Harvey or Irma? Let’s Help You Rebuild. 4 Month Free!

Justin McIntosh
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2017

Affected By Hurricanes Harvey or Irma? Let’s Help You Rebuild.

The world watched closely as Hurricane Irma made its way through the Caribbean, Florida and other areas of the Southeastern U.S. to disastrous effect. The most powerful hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean since 2007’s Hurricane Dean, Irma left a wake of destruction due to flooding and structural damage, as well as the scores of homes and businesses left without power for weeks. In fact, at the time of publishing this post, there are still areas of Florida where power services have not yet been returned — including 20,000 homes and businesses in South Florida.

Businesses suffered in virtually every industry due to days without operation, sustained damage, mass evacuations of residents living in coastal zones and other related factors adding up to the tune of tens of billions of dollars of lost revenue.

As if that hasn’t been devastating enough, Irma closely followed in the wake of another destructive storm, Hurricane Harvey, which has been particularly difficult for numerous hard-hit regions of Texas. Texas continues to rebuild after property damage from sustained winds of over 100 mph, widespread flooding and even a major sinkhole created by the flooding.

That’s why if you’ve been affected by Hurricanes Harvey or Irma, we’d like to take care of your Docusite subscription for the next 4 months. We hope that 4 months of free service will help support your rebuilding efforts as you free up additional cash flow and enjoy the ability to reduce expenditures while continuing to benefit from the convenience, accuracy, and reliability of using Docusite.

Just as we help you save time and money while reducing stress with our construction documentation software, we’d like to help you do the same during the challenging aftermath of the storm. If your headquarters or other property has sustained considerable damage from either of these major storms, please get in touch with us as soon as possible so that you may take advantage of our rebuilding offer. Call us at 1 (888) 738–6376 or shoot an email over to

Unfortunately, they weren’t the first storms of the 2017 season, and they won’t be the last with Hurricane Maria, a category 5 storm, already making her way through Dominica and the Virgin Islands with incredible force.

Stay safe this hurricane season, and we wish you a speedy recovery and return to everyday business.

