Its time to get to work. Are you ready for dig season?

Justin McIntosh
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2017

Docusite is the only choice to get you and your crew on track and ready to go. It is the first step in bringing the construction documentation process into the new age in an extremely simple and customizable way.

It’s time to get rid of your pen and clipboard.

You’re probably worried about having to fuss with a bunch of complicated technology, but don’t. The Docusite app was made by industry experts, not by tech-nerds. With over 50 years of combined experience in construction and excavation, our team knows EXACTLY what it takes to improve every step of your job site process and we have created a clear and simple way to help you. It is our goal to support you into a more profitable and successful future.

Get the app on your phone and have your team set up and ready to go within the day.

Docusite is hands down the simplest and most efficient method of documentation in the field. Immediate usage, no training required. If you do have any questions, we are your resource and will ensure everyone on your team is set up and ready to get to work. Even though Docusite is the “future” of the industry, you will be doing exactly what you are used to doing at work, just in a more organized and customizable way. Take photos and videos, customize forms and keep everyone on the same page all in one place. Create checklists for what needs to get done, take notes and enable everyone to see the progress of the job while simultaneously avoiding incidents.

Whether you realize it or not, most of you are losing money everyday.

By taking the step towards Docusite’s organized and simple documentation, you are investing in your success and saving money every day. You will avoid accidents, keep track of what happens every day and be able to deal with issues in the fastest way possible.

