This is What We Thought. Until Now

Does It Meta?
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2018

Everything we thought we knew about clickbait content titles turns out to be false. Except this

“graphing notebook” by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

What do you know? I mean, what do you really know? For most people, the answer to this question would be “a lot”. But recently, many content marketers have been confounded to find out that much of what they thought they knew about coming up with appealing titles for their content is, in fact, not true.

“People just like looking at content which they know is going to have a lot of advertisements in it — or at least some juicy top of the funnel customer conversion — they don’t actually care about what they’re reading.” So says B. Martin, head of content at Yole, a start-up disrupting the conceptual art sector.

Freelance epistemology consultant G. Killun has taken the knowledge debate further, arguing that it’s not content marketers not knowing the effectiveness of content titles that we need to be worried about. We should be more worried about readers’ lack of wanting to know.

“We humans actually know very little. We lined up the data for the sum of total knowledge known at any one time by all humans and divided it by the speed of light to find the distance, and it didn’t even reach Slough. We had built receptors on the moon. So it was quite disappointing.”

