Trevor Moomaw
Does Multitasking Make Work Easier?
2 min readFeb 26, 2018


Experimenting with Our Soft Skill part 1

In all the research I have found, nothing suggests that multitasking works or is efficient. Multitasking is possible but only when one of the tasks being performed is automatic like walking, eating, breathing or if the tasks require different parts of the brain.

Performing Two Tasks at Once is NOT Multitasking

Reading and listening to music without words is possible and may increase productivity because reading and listening activate different portions of the brain. However, reading and listening to music with words both involve language and therefore drastically reduce comprehension of both mediums.

Why Did I Chose This Topic?

I chose this topic because I have never been remotely good at multitasking. I even have difficulty talking while I drive. I am happy to learn that in reality no one is really good at multitasking because multitasking does not really exist. The brain can really only process one task at a time. Instead, multitasking refers to what is known as serial tasking, or switching from one topic to another in rapid succession.

Single Tasking

In order to answer the questions above, I will discuss the benefits of single tasking which means focusing on a task, doing it well and then moving onto the next one. I was a late comer to smart phones for a number of reasons but one of the things that has always irked me was how rude people become when they’re holding one.

I decided to single task this weekend using my phone. I decided I would only use it when I was not in a conversation and I achieved significant results. I felt more present and more alert in conversations. I felt like my responses and thoughts during conversations without technological distractions were clearer and uninhibited.

I am happy to learn that multitasking is inefficient and less productive because I have never enjoyed it. As a result, I will be sure to look for jobs that do not require this “skill” of its’ employees because it not something I would be able to do eight hours a day.

