Anna Kubátová
Dog Monitor
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2019


Throughout the years, more and more people reached out to our Dog Monitor team stating how much our app helped them and their dogs with separation anxiety, we realized how immense this problem actually is. We reached out to the best veterinarians from all over the world to better understand what separation anxiety in dogs is and it turned out to be a much more complexed problem than we initially thought.

Dog Monitor and Separation Anxiety

As separation anxiety affects dogs of any breed and any age, Dog Monitor proved to be a great tool when identifying and dealing with separation anxiety by series of veterinarians (you can monitor your dog, see a video of it, use the microphone to calm it down, check activity log and more). Some of you might have heard our interviews in some major British radio stations about separation anxiety and how Dog Monitor is helping dog owners with their struggle.

“Separation anxiety is a state of distress and fear experienced by a dog when a person the dog is strongly attached to leaves the house or is just about to leave. Dogs of any breed (including crossbreeds) and having either gender may develop separation anxiety.”

Therefore, we decided to create a website for all people and their dogs dealing with separation anxiety, where they will find complex information about this issue with their dogs. We’ve been working on this project for the past year to gather the best dog experts, create the most reliable content and share stories of many dog patients. We’re excited to introduce you to our Dog Separation Anxiety Guide.

Dog Separation Anxiety Guide

In this guide, you will find complex information from what separation anxiety is and how it’s caused, through most common symptoms to diagnosis and treatment options of separation anxiety. You can also read stories of other dog owners and their four-legged little patients.

The purpose of this guide is to spread awareness of separation anxiety in dogs, make it easier for people to understand their dog’s behavior and to encourage them to seek help as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that this separation anxiety guide should in no way replace the professional advice and guidance by veterinarians.

Check Dog Separation Anxiety Guide and don't forget to share it with anyone who you think may have a dog struggling with separation anxiety to raise awareness of this problem.

