Arlo and The Invisible Friend Chat

Cyndi Smasal
Dog Tales
Published in
5 min readJul 3, 2024


A Pet Communication Session as told by Arlo, the dog.

The Invisible Friend Chat

Hi. I’m Arlo, and I’m usually all about wagging tails and giving big, slobbery kisses. But then, there was this one special afternoon when I heard words in my head, not with my ears. It was like having an invisible friend, and her name was Cyndi.

“Hey there, Arlo,” the voice said inside my head, “Chelsea, your human, asked me to talk with you. Can you hear me?”

Oh boy, could I! It was like the sound of a treat bag but even better. “Wowee,” I thought really hard, hoping she’d hear, “This is super cool. I’ve never talked to a human like this. It’s a big adventure!”

Cyndi felt like a cozy blanket on a cold night, all warm and safe. “Can I ask you about how you’re feeling?” she asked in that soft voice that only I could hear.

I was so ready for this. “Yes, yes, yes! I wanna know what you’re gonna ask!”

We had this amazing heart-to-heart, or should I say, mind-to-mind. She got right into my doggy heart, figuring out all the things that make my tail wag and the stuff that makes me hide under the bed. “You seem like you’re sometimes bored but mostly happy, and you get a bit scared now and then. Is that right?” she asked, her words like a gentle scratch behind my ears.

“That’s it, that’s me!” I thought back, feeling like someone finally understood the doggo I am.

“Okay, Arlo, let’s keep going,” Cyndi said, and I could almost see her smiling with her heart. “Chelsea’s got some things she wants to know, and I’m here to ask you for her.”

So we started the “Invisible Friend Chat,” where I got to tell all about my doggy thoughts and feelings.

Cyndi (C): “Do you like hanging out with other pups, like Theo, or going to the park?”

Me: “I’m all about making friends, but I gotta sniff ’em first. If they smell like good times, we’re gonna be best buds. If they smell like trouble, no thank you!”

I’m a careful pup, but once I know you’re cool, we can play till the sun goes down.

C: “Is Wendy’s house a good place when your humans are away? Or would you wanna try being boarded with other dogs?”

Me: “Wendy’s is the best! I don’t really get what ‘boarded’ means, but Wendy gives the best belly rubs, so I wanna stay with her.”

Wendy’s house is like my second doghouse, full of treats and cuddles.

C: “Parks or lakes — which is more fun?”

Me: “Parks are great for running and sniffing, but sometimes there are too many dogs. Lakes are the best! They smell awesome, and it’s just me and the ducks.”

The lake is my happy place, where I can splash and not worry about a thing.

C: “What stuff scares you, and how can we make it better?”

Me: “I’m just a simple pup who loves simple joys. New things and changes make me nervous. Just be patient with me, and let me check things out at my own pace.”

I need a little time to figure out new stuff, but I’ll get there.

C: “What can we do to make you feel safer when your family’s not home?”

Me: “I wish they’d never leave. When they’re gone, I just wait and worry. I don’t like it one bit.”

I just sit by the door, listening for their footsteps.

C: “Anything you wanna change about your doggy life?”

Me: “More food would be nice, especially the yummy kind that doesn’t make my tummy upset. And what’s with the collar and leash? Can’t a dog get some freedom?”

I love going out, but sometimes, staying in is just perfect.

C: “ How do you feel about change? Mommy and daddy creating a baby, moving to a new place? Welcoming new sisters or brothers?”

Me: “I’m not a fan of changes. I like my dog bed just where it is nice and safe.”

New things are scary, but if I’m with my humans, I think I’ll be okay.

C: “What does Chelsea need to know?”

Me: “Tell her I get scared and feel unsure, but I’m the happiest pup when I’m with her.”

“Alright, Arlo, that’s all the questions we have for today,” Cyndi’s voice felt like a warm hug inside my head. “You did great, and I’m so glad we could have this chat together.”

I felt my heart do a little leap. “Thanks, Cyndi! It was awesome to share my thoughts with you. I never knew humans could listen this way!”

With a final wag of my tail, our ‘Invisible Friend Chat’ came to a close. I felt a happy tingle in my paws, knowing I had shared everything, right from the happy bounces to the nervous whimpers, with someone who could really hear the words in my heart.

And hey, to you humans who might be raising an eyebrow, thinking, ‘Can a dog really have an invisible chat?’ — I get it, it’s a bit out there. But us dogs, we’re all about the out there. We dream of chasing squirrels that aren’t there and wait by the door for you before you even come home. So, maybe, just for a moment, let your heart believe in the unbelievable. After all, isn’t that what us dogs do best?



Cyndi Smasal
Dog Tales

I’m Jackson's 2.0 "Doggie Mama", CPDT, Integrative Canine Specialist and Author. Follow me on being a "2.0 Doggie Mama" and unleash your dogs' full potential.