Jenna Rain Moore
Dog Tales
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2022


Dallas at the Rainbow Bridge

Today is the day I’ll cross the Rainbow Bridge to a place where I won’t be so tired and I won’t hurt anymore. Mommy and Daddy gave me extra treats and cuddles all week, which I liked very much, but they were sad, and I didn’t know why.

Yesterday, a nice lady came to the house to give me a massage. She started petting my face, the area behind my ears, and my front shoulders. That felt nice. Her hands needed to be coated in dog saliva, so I gave her lots of doggy kisses. My parents say I’m the expert on when humans need to be coated in dog saliva, so I’m sure the nice lady was happy about my kisses. But then she started petting my back hips. Even though she was gentle, that hurt a little, so I went into my kennel to nap.

When I awoke, my nose caught the most wonderful smell. Steak!! Daddy was cooking steak! I sure hoped some of that was for me! It was!! He gave me a bowl full of steak and kibble. It was so good!!

First thing this morning, Mommy took me for a walk. Even though I can’t walk very fast or far, I liked sniffing at all the interesting scents on the ground. I stopped to let my nose linger over the best-smelling spots for a long time, but Mommy didn’t complain or hurry me along. She didn’t even complain when I stopped to rest before walking up the driveway. When we got home, she gave me more steak with my kibble.

After breakfast, Mommy told me that Dr. Jacobs would come to our house later today to help me cross the Rainbow Bridge. She told me that once I got there, I wouldn’t hurt anymore, and I could run and play just like I used to do. That sounded wonderful, so why was Mommy fighting back tears? I nuzzled my head against her and tried my best to comfort her.

She said I would see my grandma and grandpa when I got there and that they would take care of me and play with me and take me for walks. Those are Mommy’s parents, and she often tells me she misses them. Mommy told me to be good for Grandma and Grandpa until it was time for her and Daddy to join us.

That’s when I understood why they’d been so sad all week. They can’t come with me.

I think I know why. I need to cross the Rainbow Bridge so my body won’t ache and so I won’t feel tired anymore, but Mommy and Daddy can still play without hurting or needing to sleep all day. Human bodies don’t age as fast as dog bodies. I’m glad there’s a place I can go to feel better, but I’ll miss Mommy and Daddy, and I know they will miss me. I’ll do my best to comfort them from afar, just as I always have.



Jenna Rain Moore
Dog Tales

Traveler, dreamer, dog mom, spec fic writer, lover of coffee