Reiley’s Rescue

I don’t want to raise false hopes. But knowing helps.

Nicola MacCameron
Dog Tales
2 min readMar 8, 2022


Photo by andrzj brown on Unsplash

Dear Taunton,

I write to you on the edge of despair.

My friend, Reiley, left our community to move to a new home. We are now a world apart. We have traded messages back and forth and I have followed the journey and adventures sometimes with joy, sometimes with sorrow, always with admiration for my brave, humble friend.

Last month we received a desperate letter from Reiley from the midst of a facility. It sounded like a pound where dogs are kept in quarantine. Reiley had had a fight with a dog in an unknown park. The wound had festered and Reiley’s family had taken action. The vet had asked awkward questions and in an instant my friend was whisked away.

I understand that you are part of the community that frequents the dog park closest to Reiley’s family’s new home. I hope you are acquainted and have also wondered what happened. Do you have any means of investigating? Please do all you can.

Sincerely, in great anxiety for your reply,


Dear Sasha,

Thank you for your urgent message. I received it through unusual channels, but I want to assure you that I am taking your concern very seriously.

I do know Reiley at the dog park. We have enjoyed many chases and games together. We know of the wound and the circumstances that led to it. We reserve our comments about owners who cannot control their dogs. Reiley is indeed humble, well mannered, and totally undeserving of the altercation.

We are wondering, like you are, what happened, and now we have reason to investigate.

You know how dogs come and go. Our lives are full and fruitful and then one day we are gone. We don’t ask questions. I admire your effort to discover what happened to your friend and we will do what we can since we are closer to the situation.

Thank you for including Reiley’s last missive with yours. We have members at the dog park who attend that vet. They have a cat there that knows what happens to every animal that goes through their doors. She does require bribes and cajoling. As I said, we will do what we can to know what happened.

That does not give us any power to change what happened. Or what is happening. I don’t want to raise false hopes. But knowing helps.

Please relax your anxiety. Hope always for the best. Those facilities don’t always end in the worst and the worst is never the last thing that happens to us.


Taunton the Mastiff.



Nicola MacCameron
Dog Tales

Are you creative? Everything I touch turns to art. Visual art, written, aural, tactile, you name it, I love it! Author of Leoshine, Princess Oracle.