The Real Reason the Husky on First Avenue Hates Me

I was concerned for his welfare, but it backfired

Sandi Parsons
Dog Tales


Husky peering through a fence
Image by Yumitra Kannan from Pixabay

The Husky on First Avenue never really liked me. The first time I, Rotto, walked past, he was angry. He woofed rather aggressively — something about how this was HIS street.

Okay, I admit it, I was a little bold the next time I walked down First Avenue. I woofed right back. I told him I was just walking on the footpath, thank you very much. But he wouldn’t listen. He was too busy telling me off.

My people were trying hard to train me. They said I should ignore the other dogs that woofed at me when I was walking. I, Rotto, I’m just little, but I was learning more every day.

Eventually, I could walk right past the Husky as he woofed. I didn’t like ignoring him, but my people said it was the best option. I, Rotto, was pretty proud that I could make my people happy. Every time I made it past without yelling back at the Husky, I would get a treat.

But one day, everything changed. And it’s not really my fault. Not really.

Here’s what happened.

I was on my Rott-trot, heading down First Avenue. All was silent at the Husky’s place. That was a bit unusual. So I stopped. And the Husky was fast asleep.

He was asleep right next to his fence. He was snuggled up to this fence so tightly that his ear had flopped out under the gate, onto the footpath.

There it was. One Husky ear, just laying in front of me.
Now, I don’t know what you would do, but I, Rotto, was concerned.
Maybe there was something wrong with the Husky?
Maybe the Husky was sick?

So, I sniffed his ear. Just gently, because the nose always knows.

Closeup of a dog’s nose
My nose always knows!

I gave his ear a super big sniff. And the Husky didn’t move.
The Husky was sleeping HARD.

This made me even more concerned. Because I, Rotto, am a very caring dog.

So out of concern — purely concern, there was no malicious aforethought on my part — I gently touched his ear with my nose.

Now the keyword here is gently. I was super gentle.

But see, that’s when the Husky woke up. With my nose touching his ear. And he was MAD.

You have never seen a dog more upset than that Husky was.

And the thing is, the Husky has never forgiven me. Now when I’m on a Rott-trot going down First Avenue, the Husky starts yelling up a storm as soon as I get within sniffing distance.

Sometimes I’m good, and I sail straight past. I’ve got the high moral ground.

Other times I yell right back at him because he could have shown just a little appreciation that I cared enough to stop and check on him.

So yeah — that’s why the Husky on First Avenue hates me because I showed great concern for his welfare.

Rotto is a two-year Staffy Kelpie cross.
He lives with his two favorite people and his sister Chilli, a Red Heeler.



Sandi Parsons
Dog Tales

Sandi Parsons lives & breathes stories as a reader, writer, and storyteller📚 Kidlit specialist, dipping her toes in the big kid’s pool.