Love Poems to Forest Fairies

Christopher Orcutt
Dogheart Poems
Published in
1 min readJul 29, 2019
Photo by Lukasz Szmigiel on Unsplash

I said five words to some
To others, we fell in love
There’s magic in this forest
Our shared intention sinking its root
beating a path from heart to heart
We could live lifetimes here
and if we left after ten
it would still be too soon
We dance, and sing, and swim, and touch, and laugh, and eat
We fall in love, over and over, again and again, forever
The starving animal inside subdued
Its belly beginning to expand
But we must part ways
The ten lifetimes we wished condensed into a day
Remember, we’ll always have this memory of love
A memory of naked people doing headstands on stand up paddleboards
A memory of singing forest songs in a sauna both too hot and too cold
A memory of one bowl and four spoons, a hodge podge of black beans and carrot sticks
We must leave now, back to wherever we came
Our bodies separated, but our hearts stamped with the print of our new tribe
Farewell beauties, may we dance again soon

Written by Cudi on July 29, 19 for Nicole, Alana, and Pete at Flow State Campout

