The Fool

Christopher Orcutt
Dogheart Poems
Published in
1 min readJan 6, 2018



Don’t I know you?We went to high school together back in the day, right?

I was that over ambitious singer that carried his guitar everywhere.

I suppose you didn't like me then. Well, I know for certain now that was the case.

But that’s besides the point, don't you think?

I just want to tell you that I think you’re amazing.

I mean, you’re smart, funny, honest, and, not to mention, pretty cute as well.

...I guess I’m not bold enough too just call you beautiful.

Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but I think there’s potential for us.

I think we could actually work.

Damn, I guess I’m too late though? Or am I?

To be honest, I know you have a man, but I can’t help but hope that I might still have a chance.

This isn’t unfamiliar territory for me. I always end up in this situation.

The situation where somebody has to get their heart broken...

Whether it’s him or me, somebody always gets their heart broken.

