Blockchain Game Pitch Night @Berlin 28/08

Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2018

Berlin is becoming a major town in the blockchain universe. At 8:00 pm local time on August 28th, DOGi held “DOGi: Blockchain Game Pitch Night” in Berlin, and discussed the blockchain with developers and speakers from local and European countries. The trend and development prospects of blockchain games.

“We hope to solve the problems of capital, technology, users and other issues for developers, help individuals or teams with ideas to grow in the easiest way, and ultimately to success.” DOGi’s VP Lichi Wu said in his speech.

Berlin’s blockchain industry is increasingly influential, but blockchain games are still new in the local area. This is also the purpose of DOGi’s trip to send an “invitation letter” to the local manufacturers in Berlin to enter the blockchain game.

In the “Investor Panel”, DOGi co-founder Shirley Lin and Germany’s leading game company GoodGame Studio, also blockchain angel investor Cagalar Eger, MarketWorks co-founder David Matheijs and blockchain technology developer Michael LLG have an in-depth discussion on the investment in blockchain games.

Shirley and several investors to discuss the blockchain game investment

“The blockchain provides more imagination for small teams and solves financial barriers,” David points out. This is almost a consensus on blockchain investment. “This move reduces the number of intermediate links and makes the develops more focused on making games.” At the same time, this also puts higher demands on the team itself, and each developer needs to know more about the blockchain technology and token economy.

“This approach changes the relationship between traditional investors and the game team, and also allows players to become the real owner of the game assets,” Shirley said. “It’s about the player’s stickiness and loyalty, which creates a closer game-to-user relationship.”

Cagalar said he personally invested in many early blockchain projects and was confident about the future of blockchain games.

Whether it’s a business investment behavior or a player’s token investment, blockchain games have more flexible financing features, but they can easily lead to “controversy.” Blockchain game Axie Infinity producer Alexander Larsen said that they will not issue tokens and get funding directly from the existing blockchain financial system.

Axie Infinity Producer Alexander Larsen shows the game

“Token joins the economic system of the game, it increases the difficulty of the user,” Alexander said. Axie Infinity is a blockchain pet game that uniquely collects and raises fantasy creatures. “We want to increase user engagement in a more pure way, blockchain games don’t have to issue tokens to maintain.”

In addition, Andrea Schemm, CEO of VREO, which is dedicated to blockchain advertising, Bo Zhang, co-founder of Aurora, and MediaNet, the top gaming media in Germany, gave media support throughout the process.

