Rabies — A detailed Health Talk

PuppyTrucks — Knowledge
3 min readMay 25, 2021
Blog Courtesy — https://puppytrucks.com/blogs/healthtalk/rabies-a-detailed-health-talk

Rabies is a deadly disease that is caused by a virus. The virus responsible for the disease attacks brain and spinal cord. The most dangerous aspect of rabies is that this disease can be transmitted to humans and other animals. Rabies is fatal once the signs appear. In this article, we will cover everything about rabies that you want to know. We will be discussing transmission, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and preventive measures against rabies.

👉 Transmission

Rabies is transmitted through the bite of an infected animal. The virus is present in the saliva of the dog. When an infected dog bites any healthy animal or human, the virus enters the body of the healthy animal. The virus can also enter the body if an animal has a wound and the infected animal licks that wound. The virus then enters the bloodstream and travels to the brain and spinal cord.

Wild animals like foxes, bats, and raccoons are the primary source of rabies. When this disease is transmitted to a dog, he can transmit the disease to other animals through the bite.

👉 Symptoms of Rabies

If your dog is bitten by any other dog and you are suspecting rabies, you should keep an eye on your dog. If you notice some unusual behaviour, contact your veterinarian immediately. Rabies starts with flu-like symptoms like fever and muscle weakness. The major symptoms of rabies are as follows

  • Fever
  • Restlessness
  • Muscular weakness
  • Drooling of saliva
  • Seizure
  • Staggering

Change in behaviour of your dog is the most important sign of rabies. If your dog is unusually aggressive or affectionate, this may be a sign of rabies. As the disease progresses, the signs of rabies intensify. In advanced stages, the following signs may appear

  • Increased aggression
  • Avoiding light
  • Seeking dark places
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Paralysis
  • Difficulty in breathing

Eventually, death occurs due to difficulty in breathing.

👉 Diagnosis of Rabies

Most of the diseases are diagnosed easily through their signs and symptoms and the confirmation is done through blood tests. In rabies, detection is very difficult through a blood test. For confirmation of rabies, a sample of brain tissue is required which is possible only when the animal is dead. So, rabies can be diagnosed only through its signs.

Dogs who have bitten other dogs or people are confined for around 10 days to check if the signs appear.

👉 Treatment

There is no treatment for Rabies, once the signs have appeared. As rabies can be transmitted to other animals, if your dog is suspected of rabies, he might have to be euthanised. If your dog is bitten by a rabid dog, you should get anti-rabies serum for your dog in the first place.

👉 Prevention

As already mentioned, rabies has no treatment once the signs appear so prevention is the only way. Vaccination is the best preventive measure against rabies. Keeping your dog up to date on rabies vaccine saves him from rabies transmission even if he was bitten by a rabid dog.

Rabies vaccination is done at the age of 12 weeks.

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Blog courtesy — PuppyTrucks



PuppyTrucks — Knowledge

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