How to Trick the Ego into Dissolving Itself

Step One: Focus on manifesting

Anna Mercury
All Gods, No Masters


Photo by Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash

Many of us on spiritual paths have had that moment when we bury our heads in our hands and just wish our damn Egos away. All that tension and anxiety, pain and control, disconnection and isolation, resistance and resentment, we want it gone. We believe, or have faith, that an existence of radiant love, happiness, abundance and connection is possible, if only we could do away with this pesky little Ego and its inalienable thirst for its desires.

Like so many spiritual lessons teach us, we cannot begin from resistance. We can’t dissolve resistance by resisting it, and we can’t dissolve desire by desiring to do so. We must begin by allowing, and that means allowing the damn Ego.

The Ego is the belief that the self is a form: you as this body and this identity you’ve cultivated for you in this particular life, separate from all the rest of the universe. The Ego’s interest is its own security. It seeks to get what it wants, which is always safety, but appears more noticeably as the following: 1) certainty about the future, 2) control over material reality, 3) to be (and be seen as) “good,” which often means “better than something else.” It acts up and seizes our attention most often in times when we feel uncertain, out of control, and ashamed of being “bad” or “worse than…

