To #Manifest a New World from the Ashes of the Old?

The surprising intersection of New Thought and the New Economy

Anna Mercury
All Gods, No Masters


Photo by Mat Napo on Unsplash

Can you think of two more diametrically opposed trends in contemporary culture than anti-capitalism and the “Law of Attraction”?

Anti-capitalists oppose the destructive power of an undemocratic, exploitative economy that thrives on artificial scarcity, extraction and alienation. In the anti-capitalist mind, capitalism is the source of numerous woes, from poor collective health and mental health, to needless precarity to environmental devastation, and therefore must be opposed and replaced.

Those interested in the Law of Attraction — or more broadly, what’s been dubbed the “New Thought” movement — believe that unconditional love and acceptance are the highest form of consciousness, and that what we think and feel internally is reflected back, or attracted, in our external environment. Negative thoughts are the source of numerous woes, and patterns of reactive and destructive thinking must be healed and transmuted.

On the surface, these viewpoints have nothing in common. One seems to view the source of suffering as external, while the other views it as internal. One sees the solution as revolution, or at least sweeping political and economic transition. The other sees the solution…

