Unraveling the World of War

A primer on the spiritual, social and material meanings of the climate change era

Anna Mercury
All Gods, No Masters


Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

Like many people around the world, I view climate change as having some kind of meaning in the spiritual development of humanity. There’s a lesson here, or rather, all this chaos is a reflection of what we’ve forgotten and what we’re learning again.

It’s not so much that I’m an optimist about it. It’s more that I recognize that I can choose what meanings I’ll believe in, so I’d prefer to choose beliefs about this time that give it meaning. If our present era of climate collapse is to be an apocalypse, then it will be an apokalypsis: a revelation, a time when the truth is revealed again and learned by all who see it. That is the meaning I’ve chosen for our time.

Which, of course, begs the question: what is the truth that’s being revealed?

Whenever we start using words like apocalypse and revelation, we start treading into uncomfortably religious territory. I’d like to pull us back from any sense of Biblical foretelling, but I’d like to open the door to exploring a more spiritual aspect of this time.

In my view, the two common spiritual meanings you’ll hear given to these times are that we are recognizing our oneness, and we are recognizing our power.

