Why God is an Anarcho-Communist

Hear me out.

Anna Mercury
All Gods, No Masters


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

God — specifically God’s will for us— is one of those topics human beings seem to like to fight about a lot. What does God want? What is God’s plan? What is the right way to live on God’s green Earth, and who is this God person, anyway?

Of course, I can’t answer any of those questions definitively, but I can start to sketch an answer based on one basic premise: humans know how to meet their needs.

1. The collective human need for God

Once upon a time, while browsing GrubHub delivery options, I found myself thinking, “Wow, isn’t it amazing how every place in the world has its own distinct cuisine?” Then I laughed at myself, because of course they do. Everyone has to eat.

It’s obvious then that every community of humans would take the plants, animals, and cooking methods that were available to them and, over generations, arrive at culturally-specific cuisines. These cuisines could take on other roles and significations in their cultures, but they all arose for the same reason: we all need nourishment.

We may all have cuisines and dishes we like more than others, we may have some cuisines that feel like ours, but behind and beneath all these different cuisines, we understand that there is one universal thing called food…

