Qatar now holds the World Record for the longest selfie stick

Victoria Scott
Doha News
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2017
The record-breaking attempt. Credit: US Embassy Qatar / Twitter

In the serious, worrying world of diplomatic disputes and blockades, sometimes it helps to focus on small victories.

And that’s likely what the team at the talented youth program Sky Climbers decided to do when they set out to make and use the world’s longest selfie-stick.

Their 18m-long stick was used to take a selfie at the program’s 2017 graduation ceremony at the National Convention Center on Sept 19.

In doing so, they beat the previous world record, which was set in the UAE just five months ago.

The previous effort, set at the official ITP Live Launch party in Dubai in April, was 16m long.

Talent program

Sky Climbers, now in its second year, is a program that aims to help talented young Qataris progress in a wide-range of creative careers like film-making, theater, art and fashion design.

Described by its CEO as an “academy of life,” the program provides training and support for over-16s with the help of experts already working in the field.

The Sky Climbers were presented with a certificate to show they’d broken the record. Credit: Sky Climbers

The organization has agreements with employers to offer job offers, internships and shadowing opportunities to participants.


