Five Fun Ways to Spark Online Conversations

Denise G Lee
Doing Business Right
3 min readMay 12, 2020

Looking for more engagement online? Social media conversations do not be difficult if you follow these tips. Here are five fun ways to spark online conversation. You can use this strategy online on ANY social media platform.

Image of the article title

Do not afraid to make fun of yourself.

People enjoy and welcome it when we cannot take ourselves too seriously. For example, I posted a video of myself wearing two different earnings. I realized it AFTER the video was done. Instead of taking the video down and re-creating it, I decided to keep the video and poke at myself for it.

Talking about video, I highly encourage you to make as many videos as yourself talking about yourself and your business. Read this article if you need help improving your confidence.

Celebrate a win from your audience or clients.

I love it when I get a message from a client. Here is one that I received the other day. We have been working on improving the quality of her website content and enhancing her SEO. Posts like these serve three purposes: the acknowledgment a client win AND helps to encourage others and acts as a form of social proof (if the person is your client).

So go ahead and give everyone an electronic high five! People love conversations that share victories, wins and general accomplishments.

As a business owner you need to provide content that is fact as well as feelings. Useful statistic or data are factoid examples. A feelings posts can be about something that is going on in your life that is relatable. For example, I posted the day about struggling to find time to create more content because my son stopped taking mid-day naps.

Share photos, graphics or videos

Visual always beats text-based posts. One single image can tell a powerful message. Also, many people prefer graphics as they can quickly absorb the ideas without reading too many words.

Whenever possible, use photos, graphics and videos to convert your ideas. And if you are creating graphics, make sure the text is easy to read and understand. I have seen far too many grainy graphics that are hard to understand or read. I like using canva to create graphics but you can also use photos using your cell phone. I created the image below using Canva and here is the link if you want to access this workbook.

Make sure you include a powerful story or an idea that is alignment with the image. For example, if you are showing a photo of kids playing with a water hose, do not use that photo to talk about website design. This is especially true if you use Instagram. The image gets people to stop but the story encourages them to comment and share.

Be relevant and current to entertainment, culture, fashion and pop news

Does anyone talk about Beatles, Wham or Cher? Or do you hear more about Kylie Jenner and Tik Tok? Be current and active about what people are talking about. Most people want to engage in conversations that interests them, are important and relevant to them. So — go ahead and talk about a fun new Netflix show. Rave about a new dress that has come into style. You do not have to talk about business all-the-time. Mix up your online conversations with light talk.

Do you have fun idea that I did not mention? Please let me know in the comment section below.

Originally published at on May 12, 2020.



Denise G Lee
Doing Business Right

Life coach helping business owners improve their busy lives. l use psychology and science to help clients recover from trauma, anxiety and depression.