Relationship building is the new sales strategy on social media

Denise G Lee
Doing Business Right
3 min readApr 25, 2019

I have been having an influx of fake friend requests on Facebook.

And its getting to the point where I need to write this one out.

Yesterday, I had an invite from someone who was clearly looking to get me to buy their consulting service. This person did not even take a moment to read my profile to see if I would even be a viable prospect. Suffice to say, I do not think I will be accepting his services anytime soon.

I do not automatically accept friend requests

Before I ever accept a friend request from a stranger (even if you are a friend of a friend), I look at your profile. I look at what you post and the kind of material you put up for public consumption.

I can tell if you are fishing for business if I only see posts that include:
1. Success or Positive Motivation Quotes
2. Call to Action Posts
3. Information about your business quotes.

Look, I am not going to lie. I am in business too. I am trying to grow out my business and expand my social reach.

But there is a right and wrong way to do it.

The prospecting game has changed

The old game of getting prospects was to get as many Facebook or LinkedIN contacts as possible as leads. Then you would prospect each lead to see if you can get them to buy your product or service.

But here is a news flash that I need to remind people. Social media platforms have greatly improved their privacy features.

We now have the ability to:
1. Block or mute messenger conversations.
2. Still keep people as friends but unfollow their posts.
3. Categorize friends into acquaintances or others special categories.

Remember the SOCIAL in Social media.

Remember social media is a SOCIAL platform. We rarely buy from strangers unless we gain their confidence.

People buy from those they know, like and trust. I tell my clients that all the time. Take the time to build a relationship. Get to know them in a real way. Not some fake one that only tries to get a quick sale.

Take the time to get to know someone. Know their interests and agenda. Then invite them to learn more about your business IF they express an interest.

Get to know someone in an authentic way. It may not lead to a sale, but it can lead to a relationship that can yield dividends later.

Remember to insert your humanity into your online posts

Do not ram your business down their throats through post after post. It gets irritating and your efforts could be futile. Facebook gives the ability to Snooze if they need a break from you.

Get to know someone. If you get to know someone, it may not lead to a sale, but it can lead to a relationship that can yield dividends later.

Just remember that the next time you put out a friend request for the sole purpose of trying to solicit a sale.



Denise G Lee
Doing Business Right

Life coach helping business owners improve their busy lives. l use psychology and science to help clients recover from trauma, anxiety and depression.