Want more sales? Sell the problem not the product.

Denise G Lee
Doing Business Right
2 min readJan 20, 2020

This is going to sound extremely basic but here I go…


In this article we are going to talk about understanding the lifestyle of your ideal client and how to craft a message which addresses their pain points.

Part of the reason why most new businesses owners struggle in sales is due to poor messaging. If we got REALLY honest, some of you guys need to spend more time identifying the problem of your ideal client. If you haven’t done so — you may need to go back to the drawing board and clearly identify your ideal client.

Here is a guide if you need help identifying their characteristics, behaviors and interests.

Know your ideal clients heaven or hell, their current lifestyle and their future destination if they have not received your product or service.

This is not an easy exercise. DO NOT RUSH THIS PROCESS.

A mine client spent almost four years, FOUR years building up a Facebook group filled up with over 500 women who were not interested in her services.

And why was that?

Her message was inconsistent.

She posted tons of inspirational quotes filled with images of young girls. Unfortunately, her ideal client is a married woman aged 35–60. If I were a 50 year old grown woman filled with angst about my grown kids and a turbulent marriage, I don’t think I would feel inspired by seeing cliche quotes alongside pictures of a young girls.

Just saying.

When your message is consistent, EVERYTHING you do (marketing wise) will align with the pain points, desires and needs of your preferred customer.

Take your time to really tap into the psyche of your ideal client.

Once you have a clear idea about who they are, then you can start writing targeted messages that attack their pain points.

Originally published at https://victornovis.com on January 20, 2020.



Denise G Lee
Doing Business Right

Life coach helping business owners improve their busy lives. l use psychology and science to help clients recover from trauma, anxiety and depression.