Serial Killers

The Casanova Killer

The brutal crimes of John Paul Knowles

A.W. Naves
Doing Crime
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2024


Paul John Knowles (Source: Wikipedia)

Paul John Knowles, also known as The Casanova Killer, left a bloody trail of terror across the United States in 1974. Born on April 25, 1946, in Orlando, Florida, Knowles’ charisma and good looks earned him his moniker, but behind the charming facade lay a ruthless murderer whose killing spree spanned multiple states and claimed the lives of at least 18 victims.

Troubled Beginnings

Knowles’ early life was marred by instability and violence. Abandoned by his parents, he spent much of his childhood in foster homes and juvenile detention centers. This troubled upbringing laid the foundation for a life of crime.

By the time Knowles reached adulthood, he had already racked up a lengthy criminal record, including charges of theft, burglary, and assault. His dark journey began in earnest in early 1974 while still serving at Raiford Prison in Florida.

While in prison, Knowles started corresponding with Angela Covic, a divorcee from San Francisco. Their relationship blossomed into an engagement, and Covic even paid for his legal counsel, leading to his release. However, the reunion was short-lived. Covic called off the wedding, citing an “aura of fear” that Knowles projected.

