Olumide “D.O” Olusanya
Doing Startup in Africa
3 min readJun 6, 2016
My letter to our customers announcing a major overhaul of our technology platforms

Dear Valued Gloo.ng Customer,

As part of our continued efforts to constantly drive towards saving you time and energy expended on shopping for groceries and your household essentials in the busy city of Lagos, we are happy to announce that we have just rolled out an entirely new web and mobile platform, which indeed is a complete re-building of the website from bottom up.

This platform migration has been necessitated by the feedback you have consistently provided us at the various points of our interactions with you over the past year. The core theme of this new platform is to make your overall experience of shopping on the site secure, simple, straightforward, easy, effortless, intuitive and fast! Hence, most of the new features you see on the website were built to deliver on these qualities. One key feature you will observe is security: we have used https protocol for every single aspect of the entire website and not just the checkout page. This guaranties the privacy and security of your entire browsing sessions, irrespective of the device from which you are browsing. (Only one other ecommerce site in Nigeria — foreign-based — has adopted such a level of security.)

We worked hard to hit the target of going live today and so, while the overall experience clearly is better than the old one, we still have some aspects of the site that are still work-in-progress and are yet unfinished. We plan on fine-tuning these over the next couple of months to bring your experience of using the website to shop for groceries and pantry goods to a level far above, unmatched and unparalleled by any other you will find in Nigeria and Africa. What we have aimed for is world-class standard!

In closing, I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for the trust you continue to repose in us to manage this very important aspect of your busy lives, which we have done for about 4 years now. Building the service has been a tough journey, from the point this idea occurred to me while watching my extremely loving and dutiful wife — and mother of my son — combine keeping a happy home with holding down a full­-time executive role, just as most of you do. (Champions you are!) Gloo.ng started as an outpouring of affection to my wife to try to relieve her of the stress of this balancing act. There would not have been any Gloo.ng as you now know it without this wonderful woman. She is as much a celebration of Gloo.ng as you all our treasured customers are. I therefore use this occasion of this platform migration to celebrate her — and to celebrate you! You are the reason behind ALL we do!

You can check the new website out here. (And don’t forget to drop your feedback!) God bless you. God bless Gloo.ng — Nigeria’s Biggest Online Supermarket.

At Your Service,

Olumide Olusanya

CEO/Chief Glootian


