Life does not need an outside agency, such as God, for it to exist!

If God can exist without anyone creating God, then why can we simply not believe that Life does not need an outside agency for it to exist?

Rahul Dewan
Doing the right things
2 min readJul 3, 2020


Osho has been one of the sharpest minds to have visited us on earth.

In this video a journalist, asks Osho what he means by saying “There is no Creator”. Osho’s brilliant argument goes as follows:

  1. You believe that God created life (or existence), and that God exists outside of life.
  2. Then it is logical to ask the next questions — who created God?
  3. If you now say that God does not need any agency outside of it, to create it…
  4. Then why not simply also believe that Life (or Existence) does not need any outside agency to exist
  5. Why entangle yourself in beliefs which have no basis in any case
  6. You want to simply believe one set of beliefs while rejecting another set of equally valid beliefs?
  7. Why not simply believe that ‘Existence needs no outside agency to exist
  8. And that let’s simply call this Existence — ‘Consciousness’.

Isn’t Osho simply Brilliant?

Abrahamic theology or Monotheism puts a God outside of Nature or Life or Existence or Universe.

Most people brought up in Abrahamic or non-Indic belief systems will find this abstraction very very hard to follow. Unfortunately, most Indics have fallen into this narrative of this idea of God outside of Existence.

Advaita or Non-Dualism is one of the most powerful spiritual philosophy that India and Indic Religions have given to the world.

Let’s bring it back and spread this extremely powerful and responsible idea of existing here on Mother Earth — one that makes us equal to God.

Existence needs no outside agency to exist!

WoMan and Universe



Rahul Dewan
Doing the right things

Hindu, Meditator, Yoga, Angel Investor, Entrepreneur, Free Markets, Open Source