Stuff I’m Learning

Doing the Work
Published in
1 min readJun 30, 2015

An occasionally updated list

1. FramerJS

Why? I need to design an interactive prototype for a client project.
How did I decide to learn this? I settled on FramerJS because it seemed like it provided the most bang for the buck where time (or lack thereof) was the key criteria.

In short, I was looking for a solution that was interactive, provided granular control, and had a realistic learning curve.

Other options considered:

  1. Pixate — missing some functionality
  2. Axure — too expensive, learning curve, complexity
  3. UXpin — seemed like I could input the same amount of work into FramerJS and yield better results)
  4. Adobe Creative Cloud Suite — learning curve, still yields mostly static results. Intend to still use for generating and editing necessary assets.

What really helped me was someone who had already been on this journey and had reached a similar conclusion. Have you ever read or heard something that is directly on point and wholeheartedly wanted to shout “YES!”? I did when I read Paul Cotton’s piece, “Designer/coder and not the other way around.

2. I’m trying to become a better student of people.

3. I’m trying to read more — not just the news or even articles on Medium, but the classics of Western and Eastern literature, if for no other reason than to dust off words in my ever-shrinking vocabulary.

4. I’m trying to study myself, and learn what motivates me to do things. Find the levers, pull them, see what happens. Repeat and hope to pull the right ones at the right time.



Doing the Work

Less friction, more traction. Opinions are mine alone.