Pins & Needles

Get off your @$$ and do something about it.

Joshua Fairbairn
Doing Things Differently.



We’ve all had it happen to us.

You are stuck in a boring board room meeting or you are at the movies. You sit a certain way and get comfortable. The meeting is adjourned or the final credits start rolling and you stand up to take your leave. All of a sudden you have 1,000's of unseen mosquitoes biting your feet. It feels as though you’ll never be able to walk again. As if anything you do won’t help.

Pins & Needles is a sensation of extremely uncomfortable tingling. Numbness is often felt in the extremities because the nerves start sending messages to the brain and spinal cord.

The last time I got it, it hurt so much that I was too afraid to move my foot. I simply sat there for 5 minutes until that tingling went away.

The Solution

We all know, right?

You stand up, you shake your foot, you press it as hard as you can into your shoe, you put weight on it, you wiggle it, and you get rid of it as fast as it came.

So why then do we hop around on one foot squealing in pain?

We’re afraid.

It feels like the pain of getting rid of the Pins & Needles is too much. It feels as though the better solution would be to tingle it out for the next 5 minutes.

Try to stand up. Get ride of them right away.

Do it next time. It feels good.

Business, Life, Getting Sh!t Done

The same thing applies to life.

In this day of never-ending information, people are continually offering up a smorgasbord of over complicated theories and strategies of how we can improve our lives and do more.


For the love of everything that’s holy. Stop.

It’s simple.

If you want to succeed, do the things that you know are hard.

Do the things that make you uncomfortable.

We can play games if you’d like, but in reality, we all know what to do when we get Pins & Needles. It’s up to whether you want to standup and get rid of them.

We don’t get rid of them by:

  • Setting up a website
  • Sketching cool logos
  • Reading insightful blog posts
  • Brainstorming creative ideas
  • Talking about doing
  • Starting tomorrow
  • Hitting the snooze
  • Over-studying instead of doing

We do get rid of them by:

  • Making the phone call
  • Doing awkward things
  • Selling to potential clients
  • Pressing ‘send’ on a daring email and hoping for the best
  • Asking the girl/guy you like out on a date
  • Waking up in the morning at 5 a.m. to go running
  • Cold calling
  • Taking Risks

Don’t over think. Every single action you take falls into one of these categories. And you know inherently which one is which.

If it’s not hard, you’re letting yourself chill in the ‘tingle zone’.

When’s the last time you regretted getting out of the ‘tingle zone’.

Press your damn foot on the ground, get rid of those pesky Pins & Needles, take control of your life, and never look back.



Joshua Fairbairn
Doing Things Differently.

We manufacture Kickstarter / Indiegogo products the way it’s supposed to be done @MorphoMFG