The Cursed Alaskan Cruise
Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide ruined her vacation
Her name was Miss Miller. If her first name was ever known to me, I can’t recall it now. She was a good-looking fifty-something head shrink running the psychology department at MCC federal prison.
MCC was a shithole facility so run down and embarrassing to the federal government that they shut it down in 2021. Small consolation for me who served almost all of 2019 at a facility that housed almost twice as many inmates as it was designed to hold. And that’s not counting all the mice and waterbugs that invaded our lockers at night and ate our commissary.
The administration that ran the prison was about as inadequate as the facility itself. Prisoners (including me) were kept behind bars too long because counselors were too lazy or incompetent to keep up with their paperwork. Officers fudged logbooks so they could sleep or surf the web when they were supposed to be checking up on inmates.
Rehabilitative programs were almost non-existent. We inmates were human rubbish held in a human warehouse for end-of-the- liners (longtime prisoners in the last year of their incarceration), local…