How Dollar Flight Club gets a 76.5% trial to paid user conversion rate

Jesse Neugarten
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2018

If you’re like most companies, you’re probably not converting those giveaway entrants into paying members at a high enough rate.

Free user to paid user conversion rates are generally between 1–10% and 40–50% depending on the vertical you work in according to a recent study. Even when you knock it out of the park, you’re leaving between 50–90% of potential revenue on the table. It’s worth your while to focus on doing everything you can to bump up your conversion rate.

At Dollar Flight Club, we help over 500,000 travelers explore the world for less. We are a freemium newsletter that sends our members cheap flight alerts that save them over $500 USD per international flight.

Over the last few years, we’ve tinkered with countless strategies to get more Premium trial signups and increase our trial conversion rate. We’ve experimented our way to a 76.5% trial-to-paid-user conversion rate.

So how exactly were we able to achieve such a high performing funnel? We focused on the customer journey. Here’s a few tips and tricks to get you on your way…

Focus on the customer journey from the start

Taking the time to nurture your subscribers is imperative if you want to get more paying members and increase your conversion rate. You need to learn more about your potential customer to keep them engaged during that trial period. As they transition through your funnel, you need them to get value at every step and truly enjoy what you’re selling.

At Dollar Flight Club, we send each of our free users and giveaway entrants a tailored welcome email series designed to keep them engaged and find value right away so they convert at a higher clip.

Here’s what the intro email series looks like:

  1. Welcome email. When someone signs up, we want them to take action right off the bat and engage with us. We thank them and tell them to log in to their account and update their departure cities as a first step to reaching their dream destination.
  2. Customer Story. Showing new subscribers exactly how we’ve helped real people travel more and spend less works well. We send them stories that demonstrate real value, while encouraging them to contact our support team if they need any help as well.
  3. How Premium Works. We tell our new users how Premium subscriptions work and ask them about their dream destinations. The goal, here, is to get them to log back into their account and browse the site.
  4. Travel Inspiration. To keep new users engaged, we then send valuable and helpful content to get them thinking about traveling on a budget.
  5. Social Media Invitation. Finally, we invite our users to follow us on social media and join our “private” Facebook group.

Leverage quality content

We made a push to create relevant content for our subscribers to genuinely help them learn more about finding cheap flights:

Increasing your conversion rate may sound like a daunting task, but it doesn’t need to be. Nurture your subscribers with thoughtful emails and valuable content like we did at Dollar Flight Club to up that conversion rate!

