The Atomic Spread Out

Andra Georgescu
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2020

Dokia Capital has been supporting the Cosmos Network from the very beginning. We share the vision, we understand the effort required to manifest it and we’re committed to doing our part to make it a reality.

We’ve always been able and willing to double down on our efforts whenever there is a need to. And we saw the need to act now, in order to make the Hub a more resilient and decentralized network.

This is hardly a surprise… The only surprise is that someone actually decided to do something about it. We see these stats every day, reminding us that although decentralization is within our grasp, it is still out of reach. We decided to reach for it.

On the 29th of June, Dokia Capital delegated 4 million Atoms to smaller validators that perform well and have consistently contributed to this ecosystem. This adds up to a total of 6,595,213.013139ATOM delegated, leaving a mere 9.67% of our assets to remain self delegated. See our delegations here.


A handful of stakeholders, including ourselves, hold way too much power over a network that is only as strong as it is decentralized.

We’re not doing ourselves any favors by hoarding the voting power. We only end up weakening the ecosystems that we’re all here to grow.

We believe that the Hub is mature enough to sustain a broader, more decentralized allocation of voting power. It’s time to practice what we preach. We’ve made the first step. Will you join us?

The Atomic Spread Out

The Cosmos Network is comprised of many hardworking people, all working together for the same goal. We want to give a stronger voice to those that make up our community and encourage delegators to reconsider their delegation strategy.

Changing the status quo has never been comfortable but that’s why we’re here. We want a better, fairer and ultimately a decentralized system? What can we do about it? We asked ourselves that and decided to reduce our self delegation by 4 million ATOM and delegate to others.

What can you do about it?

If you’re an ATOM holder consider diversifying your delegations to include smaller validators. In order to help you in this decision-making process we will be showcasing a series of validators that deserve your delegations.

We will be selecting validators with less than 1% voting power, that have never been slashed and maintain excellent uptime. #TheAtomicSpreadOut



Andra Georgescu
Editor for

Sugar, spice and everything nice @DokiaCapital | Co-founder @distrikt