Local Storage vs Session Storage vs Cookies: How to Choose and Best Practices

Peitra Erdi
DOKU Insight
Published in
10 min readJun 2, 2023
Photo by Emile Perron on Unsplash

In web development, creating dynamic and interactive user experiences is essential. To achieve this, web applications often rely on client-side storage mechanisms that enable the storing and retrieving of data directly within the user’s web browser.

In this article, we will explore client-side storage and its fundamental options and mechanism.

Table of Content

· Intro
· Local Storage
· Session Storage
· Cookies
· Comparison and How to Choose the Right Option?
· Best Practices For Effective Data Storage
· Conclusion
· Reference


Client-side storage refers to data storage within the user’s web browser. It allows web applications to store and retrieve data directly on the user’s device, providing a way to store information locally without relying on constant communication with the server.

There are three popular client-side storage options that can be used: local storage, session storage, and cookies.

Let’s explore the options in detail and discover how we can leverage them to effectively manage data on the client side.

Local Storage

Local storage is a storage mechanism that allows web applications to store data persistently in the user’s browser. It is composed of key-value pairs and can be stored without an expiration date.

Local storage is typically used to store user preferences, application settings, and cached data. Most modern web browsers provide a local storage limit of around 5–10MB per origin.

There are four commonly used methods to manage data in local storage:

  • setItem(key, value) to add the key and value to the storage or update the value if the key already exists.
  • getItem(key) to get the value based on the key.
  • removeItem(key) to remove the specific local storage item based on the key.
  • clear() to remove all the data in the local storage.

The following snipped is an example of local storage usage to store theme preference.

An example of local storage usage to store theme preference
Storing theme preference in local storage

Pros and Cons of Local Storage


  • Persistent Storage: Local storage allows data to persist even after users close the browser or refresh the page. It provides a long-term storage solution.
  • Offline Support: Local storage can be utilized to enable offline functionality in web applications. By storing necessary data offline, users can continue interacting with the application even when they are not connected to the internet, enhancing usability and accessibility.
  • Reduced Network Latency: Since local storage persists its data, it can eliminate the need to make frequent round trips to the server for data retrieval. This reduces network latency and can significantly improve the application’s overall performance.


  • Limited to the Same Origin: Local storage restricts access from different domains. It only can be accessible by the same origin.
  • No Automatic Expiration: Local storage does not have a built-in expiration mechanism. It requires manual clearing or updating of data.
  • Synchronous Access: Retrieving data from local storage is synchronous, which can potentially impact other operations.

Use Case of Local Storage

  • User Preferences: Local storage can be used to store user preferences, such as theme selection, language preference, or display settings. This allows the website to personalize the user experience across different sessions.
  • Form Data Persistence: Local storage can save partially completed form data, enabling users to resume filling out forms even if they navigate away from the page or accidentally close the browser.
  • Caching: Websites can utilize local storage to cache frequently accessed data or resources, reducing server load and improving overall performance.

Session Storage

Session storage is similar to local storage but limited to the current session or tab. It is commonly used for maintaining state during a user’s interaction with a web application.

Session storage is useful for storing data that needs to be available as long as the session is active but does not need to persist across multiple sessions or browser restarts. The size limit for session storage is generally around 5–10MB, similar to local storage.

Similar to local storage, there are four commonly used methods to manage data in session storage:

  • setItem(key, value) to add the key and value to the storage or update the value if the key already exists.
  • getItem(key) to get the value based on the key.
  • removeItem(key) to remove the specific session storage item based on the key.
  • clear() to remove all the data in session storage.

The following snipped is an example of session storage usage to store each form data in multi-step processes.

An example of session storage usage to store each form data in multi-step processes
Storing multi-step processes form data with session storage.

Pros and Cons of Session Storage


  • Session-Specific Storage: Session storage is tied to a specific browsing session, making it useful for storing temporary data that needs to be available within the same session.
  • Automatic Clearing: Session storage is automatically deleted when the user closes the browser or tab, providing a convenient way to manage temporary data.
  • Isolated Storage: Since a specific browsing session has its own session storage, it allows data to be isolated from other sessions or tabs.


  • Limited Persistence: Session storage data is cleared and no longer accessible when the user closes the browser or refreshes the page.
  • Same-Origin Limitation: Similar to local storage, session storage is constrained by the same-origin policy, which limits accessing data from different domains.
  • Synchronous Access: Accessing data from session storage is synchronous, which can potentially block other operations in the browser until the data is retrieved.

Use Case of Session Storage

  • Shopping Cart: Session storage is commonly used to store shopping cart information during a browsing session. It allows users to add items to their cart, navigate through different product pages, and maintain the cart contents until they complete the purchase or leave the website.
  • User Authentication: Session storage can store authentication tokens or session identifiers to maintain user login status throughout the browsing session. It allows users to access protected areas of a website without having to repeatedly log in.
  • Multi-step Processes: Session storage can be useful for multi-step processes, such as a wizard or a multi-page form, where data needs to be preserved across different steps until the process is completed.


Before HTML5 was introduced, cookies were the only option to store data on the client side. Cookies are also sent to the server with every HTTP request. With this behavior, the server also has access to the cookies, allowing websites to personalize content, remember user preferences, and user authentication.

Similar to local storage and session storage, cookies also can be created, updated, or read through JavaScript with document.cookies, and we can restrict its access with the HttpOnly flag to mitigate a few security issues, such as cross-site scripting.

There are two categories of cookies, persistent cookies and session cookies. The main difference between them lies in their lifespan and persistence.

Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies have an expiration date that is specified in Expires or Max-Age attributes and persist across different browsing sessions. Even if the user closes the browser and returns to the website later, the persistent cookies can be accessed to personalize the experience or restore previous values. They remain on the user’s browser until their expiration date is reached or until the user manually deletes them.

Session Cookies

Session cookies have no specific expiration time set. They are created and stored on the user’s browser only for the duration of the session and are not accessible across different sessions. Session cookies are typically cleared automatically once the user closes the browser or tab.

The following snipped is an example of cookies used to store language and currency preferences that can be used to personalize user content.

An example of cookies used to store language and currency preferences that can be used to personalize user content
Storing language and currency preferences with cookies

Pros and Cons of Cookies


  • Cross-Domain Access: Cookies allowing cross-site data sharing. It can be accessed by multiple subdomains or domains.
  • Expiration Control: Cookies can have an expiration date that provides control over how long the data persists.
  • Widely Supported: Cookies are supported by virtually all web browsers, ensuring compatibility across different platforms.


  • Limited Storage Capacity: Cookies have a smaller storage capacity compared to local storage and session storage. Typically the size of cookies is limited to 4 kilobytes.
  • Increased Network Traffic: Cookies are included in every HTTP request, which can affect network traffic and performance, especially if large amounts of data are stored in cookies.
  • Privacy Concerns: Cookies can be used for tracking user activity, raising privacy concerns. Strict regulations, such as GDPR, require user consent for certain types of tracking cookies.

Use Case of Cookies:

  • User Tracking and Analytics: Cookies are commonly used for tracking user behavior and collecting analytics data. They allow website owners to understand user interactions, measure traffic, and gather insights for improving their websites.
  • Personalization: Cookies can store user preferences, such as preferred language, location, or customized settings. This enables websites to deliver personalized content and tailor the user experience based on individual preferences.
  • Remembering User Login: Cookies can store login credentials or session tokens, allowing users to stay logged in across multiple browsing sessions without the need to re-enter their credentials.

Comparison and How to Choose the Right Option?

When choosing the appropriate storage option for your web application, it’s essential to consider your project’s specific requirements and constraints. Factors such as data size, data persistence, and data isolation play a crucial role in determining the most suitable storage mechanism.

Data Size:

  • Small Data Size: If you have small amounts of data to store, such as user preferences or small configuration settings, cookies can be a suitable option due to their small storage capacity.
  • Moderate to Large Data Size: Local storage is preferable for more extensive data sizes as it provides a larger capacity compared to cookies and session storage. However, be mindful of browser limits and avoid storing excessive data that may impact performance.

Data Persistence:

  • Persistent Data: Local storage is the most appropriate choice if you need data to persist beyond the current browsing session and across multiple sessions. It allows data to be stored indefinitely or until explicitly removed.
  • Session-Specific Data: Session storage is a suitable option for data that is only required within the current browsing session and doesn’t need to persist across sessions. The data will be automatically cleared when the session ends.

Data Isolation:

  • Isolated Data: If you want to store specific data in a particular browsing session or tab without sharing it with other sessions, session storage is recommended choice. Each browsing session will have its isolated session storage.
  • Cross-Domain Data Sharing: If you require data to be accessed by multiple domains or subdomains within the same origin, cookies are the suitable option. They allow for cross-domain data sharing and can be accessed by different parts of a website.

Best Practices For Effective Data Storage

It is important to follow best practices to ensure optimal usage of client-side storage mechanisms. By considering some factors such as data security considerations, size limitations, and appropriate usage, you can optimize performance, protect sensitive information, and enhance the user experience in your application.

Data Security

  • Avoid storing sensitive or unnecessary information to minimize potential risks.
  • Consider data encryption to protect the information from unauthorized access.
  • Validate and sanitize data before storing it in any storage to prevent issues like injection attacks or data corruption
  • Properly setting secure such as setting the HttpOnly flags in cookies.

Size Limitations

  • It is recommended to store only essential data to maintain optimal performance.
  • As session storage is limited to the current session, it is advisable to store session-specific data to avoid exceeding browser limits.
  • Keep the data stored in cookies minimal to ensure efficient transmission and minimize the impact on network performance.

User Consent and Privacy

  • Respect user privacy by providing clear and transparent information about the data stored and obtained through client-side storage mechanisms.
  • Obtain appropriate user consent when necessary, especially when using cookies for tracking or advertising purposes.


Understanding client-side storage mechanisms is crucial to building efficient and interactive web applications. One of the client-side storage benefits is providing a way to store information locally without relying on constant communication with the server, which will impact performance and user experience. The most commonly used options are local storage, session storage, and cookies.

Local storage provides a larger capacity for persistent data storage, while session storage offers temporary storage limited to the duration of a browsing session. On the other hand, cookies are small pieces of data stored by websites on the user’s browser.

We highlighted the importance of considering data size, persistence requirements, and data isolation when choosing between these storage options. We discussed best practices for their usage, including data security considerations, size limitations, and appropriate use for each mechanism.

Ultimately, the choice of storage mechanism depends on the specific requirements of the web application. Local storage is ideal for larger amounts of persistent data, while session storage is suitable for temporary storage. Cookies are commonly used for small data and maintaining user sessions. When implementing these storage options, it is crucial to balance data security, performance, and user experience.

By understanding the capabilities and limitations of local storage, session storage, and cookies, developers can make informed decisions, optimize data storage, and enhance their web applications’ overall functionality and user experience.


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Peitra Erdi
DOKU Insight

Passionate front-end engineer at DOKU • Writing about practical tips, advice, and inspiration of front-end, web, and tech