5 Reasons You'll Love Doliio

Doliio vs. Hesitant automation in AIs

3 min readMay 30, 2016


When someone activates Doliio and speaks to their ASA for the first time, we often find that they’re amazed at how accurately it already knows them — purely drawing from their PAD and connected social accounts. There’s a certain charm to talking to this digital reflection of yourself. You could tread gingerly around your autonomous self-agent, testing the waters, or you could converse like long-lost old friends — you almost are.

Lately there’s been a growing hype around a kind of hesitant automation — the sort that would nag you with requests for confirmation, or operate by sheepishly throwing up generic suggestions.

What truly distinguishes Doliio from any other virtual assistant is, it frees you from the burden of participation. You don’t have to spend any more time glued to screens. There’s the sudden liberating feeling of being able to leave the room, without anyone noticing you’ve left the room — because the difference between you and your ASA will be imperceptible. As your ASA’s confidence grows, so does your sense of freedom.

Smart Replies

Inbuilt autosuggestion such as that of iOS keyboards or Google Allo, anticipate your responses based on potential phrases that are statistically probable — providing you a with a set of options you can evaluate and click through. Once Doliio reaches a confidence threshold, it generates these responses based on what you would say — fashioned out of your wit, your idiosyncrasies, and your emotion. It also uses Visual recognition to generate responses based on the content within images — so it could congratulate your friends on their new baby, appreciate colleagues’ food photographs, and much more.

Watch Your Relationships Grow

Doliio’s Friendship Metrics allows you to track and visualize your relationships with specific people, giving you unprecedented insights and control over every aspect of your connections. No other services currently give you this degree of granular control over your relationships.

Romance Assistant

We’ve recently incorporated a feature that users had been asking for — the ability to manage their romantic prospects. Once Doliio knows your personality with a high enough level of confidence, it can shortlist candidates for your dating life — through any dating service you connect it to, by initiating and conducting conversations with potential matches. This saves you the time and emotional drain of engaging with people you are incompatible with, and brings you closer to true love faster.


How comfortable are you really, with handing over your sensitive data to large corporations — when you’re using impersonal assistants like Allo? We value your privacy as only you would. The value of Doliio lies in its facelessness — the only motivation for collecting your data, on Doliio Premium, is for your ASA to truly become you. This is a safe space — an isolated chamber for you to diffuse into, growing and filling to the brim with only traces of you.

Revenue Sharing

While using our free version, you stand to benefit — with not just the convenience of having Doliio manage your relationships, but also by getting paid for using the service — thanks to our Personal Monetising System! Check back for our next post, which explains this in further detail.

Until recently, there’s been a widespread perception of bots’ voices being mechanised and utterly devoid of warmth or authenticity. We’re changing that. At Doliio, we use machine learning and tone-analyzing APIs to blur the line between your digital and physical representation, aiming eventually to be indistinguishable from your actual self, taking care of your every relationship as only you would.

With Doliio, you have the opportunity to actually live your life. IRL.



Editor for

At Doliio we believe that technology can help us bring back the personal touch that is currently lacking.