To the Crocodile Bank

Abinaya Sindhu
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2017

I’ve heard of this place in Chennai and wanted to visit that place from then. It was a weekend and we were thinking of places to visit. I remembered this place in ECR, ‘The Crocodile Bank’. We booked the entrance ticket online for 3PM and started from home at 12.30 PM. We were planning to hire a cab, but as the drive through the East Coast Road is a pleasant one, we decided to go by bike. The drive along the long and wide road was really pleasant, as the weather was not too hot and also it wasn’t highly polluted compared to the other roads of Chennai. We had our lunch at a restaurant nearby, named Chilli’s 49 and reached the Park exactly at 3PM.

It was quite big in area and there were plenty of crocodiles; almost a heap of crocodiles which seemed to be sleeping or even dead. There were so many types of crocodiles with different shapes of faces. The apparently lazy ones are too active to catch their prey. But we missed to see it as we were not there at the feeding time.

We also saw the preserved samples of crocodile eggs, the facial skeleton, the arrangement of their teeth etc. There were many kids playing around in the park, who threw stones at the crocodile to find out if it’s dead or alive.

There was also a separate section where snakes were kept. But there were only a few like Cobra, Viper and Python. We were tired by then walking around the park. We rested for a while on a stone bench, took a few snaps and prepared to leave. Overall it was a good experience and kids would enjoy it.

As we returned, we stopped at Muttukadu boat house, just to take a look at the lake, and to our surprise we saw a huge balloon on the sky and found it was a paraglider. It looked amazing and we wanted to travel in that some day. We had ice creams and brownie on the way back which added more taste to the trip.

