Making officers’ work visible.

Dom Dicks
Dom Dicks for Welfare!!
1 min readFeb 23, 2015

The problem: Most student at the moment don’t see the work full-time officers do. Aside from the fact that this makes students apathetic to elections, it directly harms the work the SU does. If students don’t hear about the work that has been done to improve its mental health services, they won’t get the help! Most of the information students do know about the work the SU does on welfare is transmitted by word of mouth, which means most students don’t see the full picture and a lot of students see nothing.

The solution: I will make the work the SU does visible, by constantly talking face-to-face with ordinary students! I believe the best way to connect to students is by talking in person. It’s that simple, but most elected officers don’t do this. Some candidates are calling for 2 hours a week dialogue with real students, but this is still not enough! I promise 4 hours of dialogue every single week as a top priority.

