What is a wellness retreat?

Christophe Spoerry
Domaine de Sirius
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2023

A wellness retreat is a program that offers a holistic approach to health and wellbeing.

It typically involves a variety of activities and services aimed at catalysing physical, mental, and emotional wellness. Wellness retreats are often located in natural and peaceful settings, such as mountains, beaches, or forests, and offer participants an opportunity to disconnect from their daily routines and focus on self-care.

Typical activities at a wellness retreat include Qi Gong classes, meditation, mantras, oracle reading, nutritional counseling, and outdoor activities. Many wellness retreats also offer workshops or seminars on topics such as mindfulness, life mission discovery and personal growth.

The goal of a wellness retreat is to help participants improve their overall health and wellbeing by providing them with the tools and resources they need to create healthy habits and reduce stress. Some people may choose to attend a wellness retreat as a way to kick-start a healthier lifestyle, while others may attend simply to take a break from the daily grind and relax.

The heart of our wellness retreats at Le Domaine de Sirius

How does a wellness retreat help one find and embrace their life purpose?

A wellness retreat can provide an opportunity for individuals to reflect on their lives, values, and goals, and to gain clarity and insight into their life mission or purpose.

We follow 5 principles to help with this during our wellness retreats at Le Domaine de Sirius :

  1. Making space for self-reflection: our retreats offer quiet times and spaces for meditation, journaling, or contemplation, which help our guests connect with their inner selves and gain clarity on what is important to them.
  2. Encouraging introspection: we offer workshops and activities that encourage self-discovery and introspection, such as guided journaling, mindfulness practices, as well as heart-opening group discussions. These activities help our guests explore their beliefs, values, and priorities, and gain a deeper understanding of themselves.
  3. Giving the opportunity to disconnect: by taking a break from the distractions of daily life, such as work, social media, and other obligations, our guests gain a fresh perspective and a clearer sense of their priorities and values.
  4. Exposing our quests to new perspectives: our wellness retreats bring together people from different backgrounds and experiences, often at a cross-roads in their life, which expose our guests to new ideas, perspectives, and ways of thinking about life and purpose.
  5. Sharing guidance from experts: our wellness retreats offer holistic sessions with experienced coaches who can provide guidance and support in identifying and pursuing one’s life mission.

Our vision at Le Domaine de Sirius is to offer wellness retreats providing a supportive and nurturing environment for our guests, to explore their inner selves, gain clarity on their life mission or purpose, and take steps towards living a more fulfilling and meaningful life.



Christophe Spoerry
Domaine de Sirius

Advisor, venture builder, B2B payment expert, passionate about holistic health and wellness