Submission Guidelines — Writing — Publications

Rules of The Underworld — DTU’s Submission Guidelines

Rules To Write for Dominium Tenebrarum — The Underworld


The Dominium’s Standing Guidelines— Image by Parker_West on Pixabay.

Please ensure that your story abides by Medium’s Terms of Service and Rules and Guidelines first and foremost.

Submit stories in DRAFT format.

If you have older stories, however, that are in need of a home and would like to submit those, please let me know and I will verify if they are a fit for the publication. I may ask you to reformat some things or make some additions as per the Submission Guidelines below.

Basic Guidelines:

  • Include a Title and Subtitle.
  • Specify your genres in either your title, subtitle or kicker (such as, Thriller, Romance, etc.). I also recommend specifying your beings (vampires, werewolves, fae, etc.).
  • Please ensure you have a properly cited image that abides by Medium’s rules and falls under the purview of Fair Use (you own the rights to, is a royalty-free image — AI generated images are allowed so long as they too fall under the purview of Fair Use). Please link back to the image source for Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexeles, etc. images.

