Fiction — Romance — Vampires — LGBTQ

Sanguine Sincerity — Prologue

Fiction Story — Romance — Thriller


Alternately, the explicit version of Sanguine Sincerity is now available in bookstores.

Official Sanguine Sincerity artwork by Kemvee — Copyright Celinka Serre and Binky Ink

Warnings: Language, Mature Sexual Subject Matter.

The colourful lights in the club blazed and flashed as clubbers danced to the blaring music. Clad in his favourite tight black jeans and open V top, Liam bent down to pick up a box of lemons. He hefted the box onto a shoulder and started towards the other end of the long counter.

‘Excuse me,’ came a voice behind him, ‘are you Liam?’

‘I most certainly am!’ Liam gave a small wave as he continued towards the far end of the bar, focused on his task.

‘Are you a bus boy, a bartender?’ the other man shouted to be heard over the music.

‘Bus boy some nights, bartender others, and tonight,’ Liam placed the box on the counter, ‘I’ll be whatever you need me to be.’

He finally turned to face the man speaking to him, only to stare into the most captivating eyes he had ever seen, and Liam’s heart skipped a beat. Smiling from the other side of the counter, the man’s pale face glowed the various colours of the neon lights. A mild line of black eye shadow…

