Meet “DOMI”, the token of our platform

Javier Saviñon
Published in
7 min readMay 31, 2019

From the Domitai team, we remain enthusiastic because of our participation in the Blockchain Land and the announcement of our partnership with the Mexican franchise “La Borra del Café”. The community of users of cryptocurrency in Guadalajara was euphoric because now they could buy a cup of coffee, thanks to the union of two companies proudly from Jalisco.

Leon Reffreger, La Borra del Café CEO announcing partnership with Domitai

Domitai stood out in Talent Land for offering an alternative not only of lower cost in the market but also as the only exchange with a platform specially designed so that small and medium company could accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment.

Domitai CEO Rodolfo Daz, Tone Vays y Juan Galt at our stand in Talent Land

Being pioneers in Mexico, our payment model aroused great interest, especially the speakers in Bussines Land, with whom we are now informing them about the advantages of accepting cryptocurrencies in their establishments. However, one of the questions that most made us, after knowing the mission of Domitai was:

What’s the next step and how do you plan to move forward?

For that, we are launching “DOMI” the utility token of our platform.

More than just a Token

DOMI is a utility token created in the specialized platform NEM. The main reason why we launched our own token is that, like any project, we look for capital to boost our platform and provide a better service to our users.

The main characteristic of DOMI is that it can be used to pay fees for transactions, purchase, and sale of cryptocurrencies. As its name says:

“A utility token”

What are the advantages of paying fees with DOMI?

Discount percentage paying fees with DOMI

The first year, from the launch date, users who pay with DOMI will get a 50% discount on fees. Eventually, these will be cut in half, but remember that it will still be a discount over the lowest market rate.

Promoting the adoption of cryptocurrencies

What differentiates us from other exchanges is that in Domitai, we look for the massive adoption of cryptocurrencies in Mexico as a low-cost alternative to send, receive money and accept payments. Therefore, in our roadmap, we detail the points we want to put on the fly by raising the financing with our DOMI. Here some of the most importants:

Development of the Point of Sale Terminal

One of the disadvantages of cryptocurrencies is the lack of acceptance as a form of payment by the general public and, in the particular case of Mexico, it has only 300 establishments that accept cryptocurrencies. Domitai wants to take the adoption of cryptocurrencies to the whole country with the Point of Sale.

The current bank PoS charge between 2–3%. Domitai will charge its users a 0.35%; up to 10 times cheaper. All this without counting how easy it is to manage the POS of our platform in comparison to a bank, since it can be lent to information theft, cloning of account, etc. With the technology of cryptocurrencies, cryptography, the identity of your clients is safe. All of the above, working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Domitai Debit Card

Mexico is an emerging country, but the current banking system is still from the last century. More than 56% of the population still does not have a bank account, which prevents them from making purchases online.

“Domitai” not only wants to bankize half of Mexicans but also seeks to move them to the next monetary revolution, with the “Domitai Debit Card”.

The debit card will not only bring the advantages of online commerce to people without one, but it will also allow the users of our platform to use the value of their cryptocurrencies to buy in establishments that have not yet adapted to this new technology. Any user who has balances in Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, etc., can make payments with our card in any establishment because, at the time of payment, the card will convert into pesos at the market price.

Domitai ATM’s

Mexico is a very insecure country. Transporting large amounts of money is irresponsible, and not to mention to withdraw from a bank or an ATM, because, repeatedly has been the case in which the same employees of the banking institution give notice to organized crime to berth cardholders.

Domitai wants to support Mexicans in the transition from cash to electronic money, so it seeks to place cryptocurrencies ATMs in the main cities of Mexico, such as Guadalajara, Monterrey, and Mexico City. This in order to encourage people to safeguard their cash in value reserve assets such as Bitcoin or Litecoin, which have a limited supply, not only to make money with deflation but also, protecting it from crime.

It is important for us to emphasize that, based on the capital collected, the viability of the most complex projects will be determined. We have budgeted a Soft Cap of USD $ 500,000 and a Hard Cap of 1,500,000. Therefore, it is vital for us to create a reward program for our investors.

Why buy DOMI?


Domitai is a work that together and with a lot of effort we have been doing since 2017, an effort that we managed to materialize in our beta phase. We know that it is not enough and that, in order to improve our platform and achieve financial inclusion through cryptocurrencies, we need more leverage, which is why we launched DOMI.

With DOMI we will not only finance the projects listed in our roadmap, but we will also reward the “Early Investors” with lower fees and additionally with the market revaluation of the acquired tokens

How will the tokens be distributed?

The total amount of tokens is 200 million. 70% will go on sale and 25% will go to the advisors, partnership and the team that continues to improve the platform.

In Guadalajara, we launched a small 5% Airdrop with the Talent Land community, with which we increased the number of active users. This was crucial for us because it allowed us to obtain the feedback of the interactivity and design of the platform, which we are already applying.

When does the sale of the tokens begin?

DOMI’s official sale begins in July 2019. Each token will have a value of US $ 0.107, but you can buy them in the pre-sale up to a 25% discount on the pre-sale.

Official Presale of DOMI: June

How will we revalue the tokens?

At Domitai we know how difficult it is for an investor to make the decision to put their assets in a project like our exchange.

Our team is committed to granting the greatest transparency in development, and we are pleased to have a rewards plan long before we begin to make our project profitable.

With our rewards program, stakeholders can obtain additional discounts on commissions, up to the use of our platform for free the first year.

Extra exclusive discounts for Stakeholders

The additional benefits for our investors will be reflected once we manage to make the platform profitable, that is, immediately after we leave the Alpha phase.

To achieve this we have designed a system to repurchase our tokens. Annually we will take 20% of our profits, buy Domis and burn them. Every time we do, we will announce it in our newsletter until there are only 100 million DOMIS left in existence; that is when we have destroyed 50% of the tokens.

With this and with the benefits of the fee when using DOMI in the platform, we will make the price of the token increase, and thus, give an extra return to the “Early Investors”.

Domi Vesting Plan for Team

Additionally, the vesting plan the tokens of the development team (15% of the supply) is designed for two things: so that they can not collect all of their tokens in a single round and thus lower the price of DOMI, and in Secondly, to demonstrate to investors that the team also benefits from the short and long term viability of Domitai.

In short, the team has “Skin in the game”.

Do you want to know more about DOMI?

You can check our page where you can find out about our whitepaper and more projects drawn on our roadmap. You can also access our Telegram channel to obtain specialized information.

“Banking isn’t an institution anymore, is an app”

-Andreas Antonopolous



Javier Saviñon
Editor for

“Bitcoin it’s just a conspiracy to teach people Austrian Economics” | Product Designer @Domitai | Head Reasearch @Hashger