Her Feet and A Spanking

Brooklyn Maxwell
Domme Tales
Published in
14 min readMay 19, 2024


On the way home I can’t help looking down at her feet as we sit in a close embrace in the back of the taxi.

Her feet. Her beautiful long toes with red painted shapely nails. Oh God… her feet. With the perfect instep and well-turned ankle. Her feet so in proportion and so damn fucking sexy in those thin thong flip-flop sandals. Her feet. I can’t take my eyes off her feet.

She turns to me and smiles. A perfect bow-lipped smile and she knows that I’m looking at her feet. She knows how much I love them. I love the way she walks barefoot at home. She takes care of her feet, but I worship them, and she damn well knows it. I have kissed her perfect toes a thousand times and I could kiss them more. I have massaged them, painted her toenails. I have sat contented with her feet on my lap. All of that and more. She’s utterly beautiful to me and it’s not just her feet but those are one my favourite things. She knows it. She uses that knowledge shamelessly to tease me.

I wonder what she sees in me, I wonder every day how I gained the love of this beautiful woman. Slender, long black hair, brown eyes, full lips, smooth skin like silk. I am not the best looker around the block. I’m reasonably well built, keep myself in shape. I do not count myself as handsome by any stretch but for some unaccountable reason, this woman has chosen me. And I can live the best of my days with her and her perfect feet. I do try to be the best I can be for her. I really do but we have an understanding. I will never quite be good enough, because if you’re good enough, what’s there to correct? And her correction is sublime. She knows it.

But there’s more to this evening than her feet and it’s in her eyes as she leans in to kiss me and whisper in my ear.

“You know, darling, what you did and what you’re going to get…”

I do know and I colour up slightly. Violet can be as strict as she is beautiful. Violet has boundaries. When I cross those boundaries, we are both agreed, Violet will punish me beautifully. That’s the point. It’s what we both want. It’s part of who we are.

Her hand finds the front of my pants and she can feel my cock straining against my trousers. Hard from the thought of what she’s said. I swallow just a little at that thought. She knows exactly what she’s doing, does Violet. She plays me like a fiddle and she loves it.

“You know… don’t you, what you’re going to get?” she continues in a voice as soft as silk. A voice that turns me, a grown man, to jelly.

“Yes,” I manage to say, trying to keep my thoughts in check. I fail because I know where this ends up and so does she.

She’s satisfied with my answer and pointedly moves her feet into a position where I can get a better view. Like I said, she knows exactly what she’s doing, Violet knows it and she loves it.

No more is said, but I can feel her hot breath on my face. Her lips tantalisingly close and her hand stays where it is covering my cock. I can hardly stand it. The tease. I look down at her feet and she flexes her toes just a little. She knows what she’s doing, that’s for sure.

We arrive home, I pay the taxi driver, walk up the steps to our house. Once we are inside the door and it’s closed, I know that it will only be a matter of time before our ritual begins. And all the while I’m still looking at her feet and she knows it.

Violet smiles at me. I know that smile and the promise it holds. I know what’s coming next.

“Go upstairs and fetch my hairbrush. The bone handled one and meet me in the study.”

The study. Ironic as it seems that’s where Violet likes to spank me. Her hand rests lightly on my cheek. She kisses me once more. I love her passionately, deeply. I will do anything for her and she knows it.

“You know want to, darling, go and get it.”

It reinforces the message of her quiet but firm dominance. I do want to. I want to feel the results of her firm hand. I want it like nothing else.

I go upstairs and on her dressing table in the bedroom sit several hairbrushes. They’ve all been used many times. The bone-handled brush is from an antique shop. It’s slightly yellowing but rather large in size. I can vouch for the fact that it stings. The fact she has selected this reflects the gravity of my offence. Yet my cock is still hard at the thought of being spanked with it. Of course, it is.

I return downstairs to the study. We have a reasonable sized house for two people. We have a decent income, good jobs. To anyone else, we might seem like an ordinary couple, yet within the four walls, everyone has secrets. This is ours. Our Femdom marriage and one I entered willingly. I like it, it suits us. Violet likes it too. She likes the fact she can spank me whenever she wants to and that I will worship at her feet. But I’m not a lapdog or a puppy. She likes me to be strong too but submissive when she wants it. And she wants that quite a lot. I’m happy to oblige.

In the study, Violet is waiting. She’s sitting in a wooden straight-backed chair. It sounds like a cliché and it is. The archetypal spanking chair. Violet chose it and she bought it. Just as she chose the hairbrushes one by one and all the other toys.

She’s sitting in her underwear having removed her dress. She likes it that way. She looks so fucking sexy and yes, she’s wearing the sandals still. I am drawn inexorably to her feet. She smiles at me and so, the ritual begins. We’ve done it dozens of times before.

“Give me the brush, darling,” she says holding out her hand.

I do so and then step back to wait because that’s how it goes. I watch her watching me, and she watches me looking at her feet while she flexes her toes and slaps the sole of the sandal against one foot. The sight of it sends tingles through me, making my cock harden at the thought of touching her smooth soft feet.

“Take off your clothes,” she tells me still soft but so assertive. I love the sound of her voice, particularly in that tone.

I do it, slowly, carefully. Folding and hanging them over the back of a chair while she watches me. All the time her sandal continues its rhythm and teases me with the sound. I have to make it all tidy because that’s what Violet wants. What Violet wants… she gets. And when she doesn’t get it that’s when I get spanked.

“And the boxers,” she says when I don’t remove them.

I did that on purpose, of course. To make her assert herself more for me. She knows that too. It’s part of the game.

I take them down and my cock springs out hard and firm. Violet doesn’t fail to note it. She would be disappointed if I wasn’t hard. The sexual subtext is palpable. It’s part of it, an essential part for us.

“Someone’s excited,” she remarks, smiling. “I’m excited too… I am fucking wet.”

That triggers me just a little. She knows the words that get to me, that excite me, but I’m not going to get to fuck her… at least not yet. Her excitement relates to the spanking. I know how much she loves to spank… she really does. My bottom can testify to that.

“What did you do?” she asks me.

This is my cue. It’s my confession. I have to give her the raison d’être for the spanking although she doesn’t need a reason per se. She can spank me on a whim and often has. But this time I did do something she didn’t like. It wasn’t a big deal. It doesn’t have to be. But if Violet doesn’t set traps, then I won’t fall into them and she won’t have a reason to spank me. It’s part of the game… our game.

“I was flirting with the waitress,” I said.

“And what did I tell you?”

“Not to flirt with the waitress…”

It’s not that she really minded. It’s not that she’s jealous. It’s that I disobeyed her and that’s not allowed. That’s why we have rules. She sets the rules and I break them. Then she spanks me. That’s how it goes. Then almost always we fuck because the two of us are so turned on. Very rarely it’s for a real offence and then I might be standing facing the wall with a sore backside for quite a while.

“You disobeyed me, didn’t you?” she says implacably.


“Why did you do that?”

“I… don’t know.”

A stock answer and it’s true because I don’t know. Other than I wanted to end up here ready to be spanked over her knee. She wanted it too. That’s the point.

“We agreed that you wouldn’t disobey me, didn’t we, darling?” she says lightly.


“When you do, then you are punished, yes?”


“Then, I’m going to give you a sound spanking to remind you.”

I nod and swallow. As much as I might like being spanked, I can’t deny that the bone-handled brush is formidable. I know it’s going to sting. But the words are a trigger. They start to move me into a different space. Subspace. She knows it too. Her enjoyment comes from the dominance, the spanking, the power of the brush. She has told me all these things. I know what turns her on and she knows my triggers. She uses them ruthlessly but… in a good way.

“Anything to say?” she continues.

“I’m sorry,” I reply.

“Too late for that. Come here and get over my knee. I’m going to show you what sorry is, darling, and you know it.”

I walk over, kneel down and position myself over her lap the way I’ve done countless times before. Each time feels different. It is after all a brand-new spanking.

“I have a cure for disobedience,” she says. “And it’s right here.”

She takes the brush and begins to run the cold smooth back over my bottom. I have a tight hard pair of globes. It’s probably all of the gym work. The brush makes my skin tingle. Very soon it will tingle in a different way.

“You have been a bad boy,” she says softly. “And bad boys get spanked.”

Yes, it sounds trite, but it gets me every time. I feel the brush lift off and then come several hard sharp spanks. The brush smacks into one cheek and then the other. She smacks it down and lifts it off. It leaves a deep sting, and I don’t hesitate to let her know it. The ritual begins to play out with the main event.

SMACK “Owwwwww” SMACK “Godddddd”

SMACK “Ahhhhhhh” SMACK “Fuckkkkkkk”

SMACK “Jesussssss” SMACK “Owwwww owwwww”

SMACK “Shitttttttttt” SMACK “Ouchhhhhhh”

“No matter how much I tell you, we always seem to be back here don’t we? Hmm?”

SMACK “Owwww” SMACK “Owww fuckkkk”


SMACK “AHHHH” SMACK “Oh fuckkkkkk”

SMACK “Owwwww” SMACK “Ahhh owww fuck fuck fuck”

SMACK “Shitttttt” SMACK “Owww God fuck”


Violet knows exactly what she’s doing when she spanks. She likes to spank hard and snap the brush off my backside on impact. It leaves a lasting sting. She waits and spanks again. Each smack burns like a bee sting and starts to accumulate into a fire in my backside. All this time my cock is getting harder. Violet likes to scold me while she spanks. It’s all part of the game, the ritual that we’ve formed between us.

“I told you not to flirt and yet you still did it. I suppose you wanted to end up here.”

SMACK “Ahhhhh” SMACK “Shitttt fuckkkkk”

SMACK “Ahhh owwwwww” SMACK “Oh fuckkkk fuckkkk”

SMACK “Owww owwwwww” SMACK “Fuckkkkkk owwwwww yes, I suppose”

“Well, now I’m happy to oblige you, darling, with a damn good spanking.”

SMACK “Owwww fuckk fuckkk” SMACK “Ahhhhhhhh”

SMACK “Shittttttttt” SMACK “Owwwwwwwwww”



SMACK “Christtttt” SMACK “Ah fuckkkk”

My bottom starts to burn just like it always does but in a good way. I feel the heat in my loins. I like the sting and sometimes I crave it. I crave the spankings as much as Violet craves giving them. I know that Violet loves the sound of the brush smacking on my bottom, and the marks it leaves. The marks of her love are what she calls them. She loves me in other ways too, but that comes afterwards. After the spanking.

“You SMACK will SMACK learn SMACK to SMACK obey me SMACK if SMACK I SMACK have to SMACK spank you SMACK every SMACK day SMACK my darling SMACK and remind you SMACK who SMACK is the boss SMACK in this marriage SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK”

“Owww fucckkk owwww owwww owww fuckkkkk fuckkkk”

I am not reticent in letting her know how much it hurts. Yes, it does fucking hurt but so fucking good. I wriggle just a little and wince as she scolds me even more punctuating her words with spanks to emphasise her point. The point is that I am her submissive husband bending to her will. I look down and see her feet resplendent in her sandals. The sandals she sometimes uses to spank me with. Her feet turn me on more even than the spanking. Spanking turns her on too. It’s not about punishment as much as it’s about sex and domination. Her right to lead and mine to follow.

“Alright, darling,” she says. “Now I’m going to show you exactly what you get if you disobey me. You know what’s coming, don’t you?”

I do. It’s the finale of one of her classic spankings. A hard fast volley of spanks that will leave me howling and breathless.

“How dare you behave like that?” she says. “Now you’re really going to get it.”

Words, all trigger words for both of us and then it begins. Hard fast deep spanks over and over while I start to yell.


“Owwww fuckkkkk owwwww owww owww owwwww fuckkkkk fuckkkkkkkkk”

The burn penetrates deep into my bottom and through to my cock. At the same time, I find myself in another zone, subspace where all that exists is that hairbrush, Violet’s lap and me. My bottom feels as if it’s full of hot coals then just as suddenly she stops.

“I hope you’ve learned your lesson,” she says softly.

“Yes…” I reply.

We both know full well I’ll be back over her knee soon enough, regardless.

“Well let’s make sure…”

SMACK “Oh God oh my God” SMACK “Ah my fucking Goddddd”

SMACK “Owww fucking hellll” SMACK “Fuck fuck fuckkkkk”

SMACK “Ahhhh bitchhhh” SMACK “Fuckkk ahhhhh”

SMACK “Oh Goddddddd” SMACK “Fuckkkkkkkk”

SMACK “Fuckkkkkkk” SMACK “Fuckkkkkk”


The final spanks, hard and measured. They sting like a hornet every one of them. But it’s a good sting. It feels… right… nice… and my cock is engorged and harder than ever.

Her hand caresses my warm backside, gently. She drops the hairbrush to the floor. I feel the warmth become more pleasant, bearable. I look down at her beautiful sexy feet and the desire for her rushes through me.

“Stand up,” she says.

Then I’m facing her. She looks at my cock. She smiles. I know that smile. There’s usually more to come. I look down at her feet. Usually, the next thing I’ll be is on my knees, sucking her exquisite toes one by one, sliding my tongue along the instep and all around her perfect ankles. She knows what I want. But it’s her call and today she just wants to be fucked.

“I’m fucking wet, we’ll skip the foot worship,” she says. “I want you to fuck me.”

There’s a nice big sofa in the study. Wordlessly she leads me to it. She divests herself of her clothing and then starts to kiss me. I respond at once kissing her back. Her kiss sends fireworks through me. I run my hands over her smooth skin. She loves me to touch her, she shivers as I do so. She tells me how much it tingles. Her hands rove over my skin and it’s like electricity skating over the surface.

“Yes, fuck, yes, God I loved doing that, I loved spanking your bottom, my darling,” she breathes. “And now I want your cock.”

Her nipples harden under my thumbs. I ease her down on the sofa. She opens herself to receive me and I ease my cock into her slick wet pussy.

“Ohhhhh fuckkkkkk that’s good,” she gasps. “You’re nice and big after that spanking… now fuck me, darling, fuck me.”

I begin to fuck her slow and easy. Sliding in deep and pulling back again. Each thrust elicits cries from both of us. It feels so good being inside her and my bottom glows from the spanking combining the pain with the pleasure. She likes my cock. She’s told me often enough I’m happy to say. She likes it almost as much as she likes to spank me.

“Oh fuck, fuck, yes, darling, yes, fuckkkk, fuckkkkk, fuckkk,” she says gasping.

“Oh my God, fuckk, oh yes, oh God, oh fuck,” I gasp as the sensations take me over.

But today she’s ready for it. I can tell she’s close and she tells me just how she wants it.

“Harder, for fuck’s sake, just fuck me hard,” she says.

I oblige and her legs wrap around me. I can feel her feet, her bare feet on me, turning me on even more. I begin to thrust hard and fast unable to stop myself. All of that pent-up tension from the spanking was soon to be released.

“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, yes, yes, darling, yes, that’s it, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, oh my God, fuck, oh, God, fuck, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. That’s good, yes that’s so fucking good,” she says gasping at every thrust.

I’m less vocal focusing on pleasing her, feeling the sensations of being inside her rushing through me.

“Oh yes, fuck, yes, oh fuck, fuck, oh my God, fuck, fuck, fuck.”

I am thrusting now harder, faster, deeper. She is getting close I can feel it and I’m barely holding it back as I near my climax. I have to wait for her. My bottom remembers the last time I came too soon. There’s a cane hanging in the study cupboard for moments such as that. A reminder that I’m hers, she owns me. This time I know I can hold it. I keep going. At least I think I can. Violet gasps and cries out even more.

“Oh, my fucking God, yes, yes, yes, that’s good, fuck, yes, don’t stop, fuck, yes, yes, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, keep going, yes.”

I respond in kind and it feels so fucking good… I can’t deny it “Ahh, fuck, fuck, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhhh, ahhhh.”

I can barely contain myself now and then I feel her start to buck and grind. Then she starts to cum.

“Ohhhhhh, fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, fuckkkkkkkkkkk, fuckkkkkkkk, oh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk, fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

Now I can let myself go. I feel my cock start to pulse. The sensations overwhelm me. I push deep into her as my muscles tense. I feel my cock pumping. I feel the top of my head lifting off and for a moment I’m elsewhere.

“Fuckkkkk, ohhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkk, oohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

Soon afterwards, we lie together panting, and she kisses me, softly and tenderly. In a few moments, I’m lying beside as she snuggles into me.

“I love you,” she whispers. “You know that don’t you? I love you so much.”

“I love you too.”

It’s her way of reassuring me, affirming our love for each other. She never wants us to lose sight of that. I always feel loved by her even when I’m over her knee.

“You needed that spanking, deserved it,” she says smiling.

“I know.”

“I enjoyed it.”

“I know.”

“And you’ll be getting another soon enough.”


“Later though, you can worship my feet… lick my pussy, darling…”

I close my eyes and drift… in the arms of the woman I love.



Brooklyn Maxwell
Domme Tales

I write Femdom love and romance stories published under the brand Brookmax Publications.