I surrendered my sex to Mistress Giang — Part 1

Edgar Eden
Domme Tales
Published in
12 min readFeb 28, 2024
Image downloaded from Pinterest.com

There was no photo, no age, just that it was for a woman living near Ho Chi Min City. Something about this simple ad attracted me, and I decided to try and make contact, as my profile unfortunately matched the expectations. So I sent her an e-mail describing myself as a 36-year-old virgin, an IT Project Manager working in an MNC in Ho Chi Min City, and I was in a situation where I put down my shyness. A total novice in the field of female domination, but very attracted to this kind of practice for a long time.

It was only after sending an e-mail that I realized how stupid I’d been — the ad was 2 years old! It was unlikely that the person who had written it was still looking for people…

To my surprise, I received a reply, and there were a few exchanges of e-mail, followed by several chat sessions. I learned that she had recruited several people, but that it hadn’t gone well, and had fired everyone within a year later. Nevertheless, she missed it and decided to retest with me alone. My future mistress’s name was Giang, aged 27, brunette with a beautiful face, medium build, and height according to her photo. During our exchanges, she had insisted on the proposed experiment, i.e. the absence of any sexual relations, with her or anyone else, the permanent caging of my sex, and that only her desires counted. She asked me a lot about the reality of my virginity and finally suggested we meet for real.

To keep things discreet and preserve our privacy, she asked me to book a hotel and to bring some iced tea so we could chat over a drink. I had gone to get the keys (or should I say the card) to my hotel room, prepared the snack, and received a message from her informing me of her arrival. She was just a few steps from the hotel and asked me to go and get her on foot and bring her to the room. I didn’t know how to react, and I hadn’t thought of it before! What should I say? Should I kiss her? The only thing we’d agreed was that I should always be polite to her. Fortunately, we got on well, and she seemed quite at ease, so she took the lead and laughed at my embarrassment.

In the small hotel room, we discussed my expectations and my limits and reviewed what the relationship would be like. I was pleased to discover that we were on the same wavelength. The plan was for us to meet again to formalize my new status, “maybe still in a hotel at first”, but eventually she told me she’d have room at home. There would be no living together, and the sessions would be on weekends, depending on her wishes and availability.

She gave me a long list of all the existing femdom practices and said, “There are a lot of things I wouldn’t do. But I’d like to know your tastes, and then I might want to try some things out in the future”.

There were 3 columns next to each practice:

· I categorically refuse this practice

· I accept this practice

· This practice frightens me, but I accept it

I should return this completed document at our next meeting.

After questioning me for the umpteenth time to assure her that no, I’d never had a relationship before and that yes, I was indeed a virgin, she asked me if she could film our sessions with our faces masked. I agreed to her request on condition that it would not be broadcast. This worried me, but she seemed very keen on it. She had a beautiful voice, was pleasant to listen to, and seemed all “nice”. But I realized a few hours later that in the end she had directed the conversation from one end to the other, and even then I felt more like I was talking to my “superior”, not as equals. By way of goodbye, she forbade me to masturbate until our next meeting.

It was D-day, and I received the message that very morning, a week after our meeting at the hotel. I hadn’t heard from her since, and the rule was clear: unless it was an emergency, or to say I wouldn’t be available on certain dates (I had to give the reason, and she had the right to refuse my absence). I was never to contact her, and she was to let me know if she needed to see me.

“Hello Roy, I think we’ve got the hang of things, and if you still want to belong to me, we can make things official, as we agreed last week. Will you dare to take the plunge? If so, remember to bring some tea and the delicious cookies from last time, and come at 2.00 pm to the following address:”

Physically, I hadn’t prepared myself. I’d read that some people came waxed, or with gifts, but Giang had told me to come as I was, and that even if she did appreciate a little gift now and then, it wasn’t what she wanted from me. I stood feverishly in front of her building’s intercom, rang the bell, and after what seemed an interminable wait, I heard her voice:


I replied, “Hello, it's Roy.”

A response came from the other side, “I’m on the fifth floor.”

I knocked, and she opened the door, but didn’t move aside to let me in, “Hello Giang … How are you?”

She smiled and replied, “Roy, but you’re early, wait a bit. I’ll be right back.”

I found myself alone in the corridor, according to my watch it was 1:58 pm, I only had to wait 2 minutes before she invited me in, but the seconds were interminable.

“Take off your shoes though. It’s not too difficult to walk up 5 flights of stairs?” She instructed.

“No, it’s fine, I can see there’s only this apartment upstairs,” I replied.

“Yes, it’s very quiet like this, and the floors are thick so you can’t hear the ones below, that’s why I chose it. Come on, let’s have a cup of tea and I’ll explain how things work.”

It was a large apartment with 2 bedrooms, 2 lounge rooms, and a hallway connected to the bathroom, and one of the 2 bedrooms would serve as our playroom. There would always be a tape recorder recording our conversations, and when she filmed us we would wear balaclavas. After talking for a few minutes and finishing our tea, she stood up, and I did the same.

“Come on, follow me, you haven’t forgotten to fill in the list?” She inquired.

“None, it’s here.” I gave an enthusiastic reply.

“Good, give it to me, have you jerked off this week?” She chuckled.

“No, no, of course, I obeyed.”

The playroom was next to the bathroom door.

“When you come, you go straight to that room.” She voiced.

I followed her inside.

“The way it works is simple: as soon as you enter, close the door and start the little timer here. It will go off after 5 minutes, at which point, neither before nor after, you enter here.” Her instructions were clear.

She opened the door to the playroom, which was a beautiful room with closed shutters, a bed, and an armchair.

“When you arrive, close the door behind you, put your hands behind your back, and stand here in the corner. Then you wait for my orders, if I’m not there, if I don’t tell you anything, you wait, 5 minutes, an hour or all afternoon if you have to. You don’t do anything unless you’re told to do it, whether in this waiting position or our games, you only do what I tell you to do, is that clear?”

“Very clear,” I responded.

“When I don’t need you anymore, you go back to the bathroom, and same procedure, you wait 5 minutes and leave directly. During these 5 minutes, you’ll get ready, which means you’ll undress, underwear included, of course, you’ll put your clothes here, she pointed to an empty large bucket, and if there’s anything on this blue coat rack, you’ll put it there. You’re also allowed to use the toilet during these 5 minutes. Got all that?”

“Yes, um, just one question about the toilets: how do you get there?” I was just starting to get confused following all the instructions.

“It’s up to you not to drink too much before coming, you’re only allowed to drink when you arrive and when you leave, and you won’t have access to anything here either, so if you want a drink, use the sink. These 5 minutes are your only freedom, otherwise, you’re just following my instructions.” Giang completed her instructions.

“All right, I understand.” I gulped.

“I’ll be waiting for you.”

I closed the doors and started the stopwatch, glanced at the famous blue coat rack, and saw that nothing had been added — it was empty. I stripped naked and waited behind the door for the 5 minutes to pass. I felt myself blushing. I was naked, in someone’s house I hardly knew, and going to reveal myself like that. But that didn’t stop my sex from being rock-hard. The situation was embarrassing for a shy guy like me, but at the same time, it turned me on like never before. The timer went off, and almost trembling with fear, I entered the room, closed the door, and stood in the indicated corner with my hands behind my back. Giang gauged me with a small smile, and I saw her eyes linger for a long time between my legs.

“Well I seem to be affecting you, turn around … Well, you’ve got a nice ass, yes, even perfect, I’d love to fill it … Face me again … Your dick is cute … I’m getting wet just thinking about what it’s going to do to it … Size wise good … It’s average, low average, but nothing too big… On the other hand, it seems to me that … Let me check…”

I saw her rummage around for a few seconds and pulling out a ruler, she measured my sex.

“Ah yes, I have a good eye! Just as I thought, you’ve officially got one of the smallest sex I’ve ever seen in a man! 5.5 inches!” She giggled.

She squatted down and put her face right in front of my penis, and spoke directly to it…

“Poor little thing, look at him all valiant! Yet no woman ever wanted to take care of him! Never a little kiss, never a lick, never a warm, wet pussy …. All erect and yet he’ll end up caged, all he’ll get from me are blows on those cute little testicles … He’ll only be able to spit her slimy, stinking sperm so rarely …” She giggled again and I felt my heart and stomach were doing summersaults.

Giang straightened up and spoke to me.

“Well, actually, down there it’s pretty mediocre, cute, but … But look on the bright side, no woman’s ever been frustrated with it, and you won’t be needing it anyway, so it’s no big deal. It’s a good thing I still have a small cage.”

She returned to her seat.

“Well, I’m going to read each practice described on the list I gave you and the answers you put in, and you’ll confirm your choice orally.”

I’m not going to transcribe everything here, I’d ticked the acceptance box on almost all the practices, except everything to do with public humiliation, trampling, permanent marks, bleeding, and other extreme practices which Giang explained to me afterward she didn’t like either. She was excited that I acknowledged drinking her urine.

“Well my little virgin, here we are at the end, you’ve accepted a lot, and I appreciate it, do you have a comment?” She inquired. Her eyes were burning me down to the ashes.

“Yes, it’s just that I’m a total novice and we’ll have to take things a step at a time.” I gulped.

“Yes of course that’s what was agreed, I like the 2 practices that you accept, but that scare you ah ah. Ballbusting and spanking! You’re afraid for your balls and your little bootie?” She inquired mischievously.

“Yes … I find the pain on my testicles very violent, and spanking impresses me.”

“I don’t doubt it, but don’t worry I’ll take it into account. We’ll go very slowly, but I guarantee you’ll take my spank violently in your bottom and you’ll want more!” She gritted.

I then had to read out the submission contract binding us.

Mistress Giang would respect my limits, while I would owe her fidelity, obedience, and a strict ban on removing my cage. A security password was set: if I said the word “red”, everything would stop immediately. I was also given a long questionnaire about myself, at what age I started masturbating, how many times a week, what I thought about, who I thought about, what my relationships with women were like, how they all refused to date me… I don’t know how red a face can get, but I had to be at my best. Finally, I had to get down on my knees in front of her and sign the contract, which she scanned and sent me a copy of.

“Well, now that you’re at my disposal, I’m going to take a little photo to remind you of what you were like in your early days. If you can impress me with the tasks, I’ll accept your oral services in my cunt. Oh, it’s a shame; it looks like your little cutie has gone back into her shell!”

Indeed, all this had lasted a while, and my erection had subsided. But all I had to do was mention it and she was back at attention.

“Well, that’s better!”

Giang took a photo of the whole of me, front and back, except for my head, so I wouldn’t be recognized, and a photo of my sex.

“Ah, let’s take one last photo … On all fours, that’s it, put your head on the ground, like that, and now spread your buttocks … That’s it, stand up. Now I’m going to teach you 2 essential things that you must always do just before coming here. Firstly, full body waxing, I’ve bought you a little kit to get you started, and secondly the anal enema, it’s not going to be very glamorous, but I want to make sure you get it right.” Mistress Giang opined.

That’s how I learned to wax myself completely, and the anal enema … You can imagine the noise that can make … With Giang next door watching over me, I think I’ve reached a new level of shame.

“Well, after so much effort I’m going to redo the 4 photos of you, the change has begun ah ah! Little one, wake up, come on, come on!” She mocked my sex.

At these words, a powerful erection immediately returned.

“He’s very obedient … click … Turn around … click … From the front … With all that hair gone, he almost looks taller … click … Hop on the floor like before and spread … It doesn’t change much on this side … click … Not a very hairy virgin, but good for you, you’ll be able to wax faster! Say goodbye to your cock, you won’t be seeing it again for a long time… What are you waiting for?!”

I was perplexed at how the events unfolded. But I managed to say immediately, “Uh sorry … uh goodbye little cock … I’m going to miss you …”

Giang returned with a pink plastic cage and a strange padlock.

“The padlock is numbered, and I’m the only one with the key — in case of emergency, a pair of wire cutters will do. With the number and the key, you can’t remove the lock without me knowing, and let’s be clear, if you remove the cage, consider our relationship over. You can easily cut the lock because you never know what might happen, but even if it’s justified I doubt I’ll forgive you, is that clear?”

“Yes, removing the padlock is strictly forbidden, and even in an emergency I’ll break the trust,” I repeated my acknowledgment.

“Well… Do you find my outfit provocative?” She asked with sheer seduction.

My mistress was dressed normally, always a little sophisticated, that was her style, but never vulgar.

“Not at all, you’re dressed normally.”

“Then why do you have such a hard-on? You won’t be relieved, but caged, and your miserable piece of meat will never penetrate me. Why do I have to whistle for you to stand at attention? What’s got into you?” She inquired back sternly.

Instead of calming down, my erection grew stronger than ever.

“I have no idea, I can’t control myself,” I replied and I felt goosebumps all over my naked body.

“Ah ah, would it be the simple fact that a woman deigns to look at what you’ve got between your legs that makes you exist at this point? For a virgin, it’s understandable though. Get in the tub and get on your knees, I’ll send your little noodle back to where it came from.” She commanded.

A jet of ice-cold water quickly put an end to that erection. Giang filmed the caging, which was quite small and took me a while to get used to, but once she’d finished she told me she’d send me the photos and video so I’d have something to remember it by, then looking me straight in the eye she finished.

“Now get out, I’ll call you when I need you.”

