Belle By Night (Part IV)

Rachell Nichole
Dommes By Night
24 min readMay 4, 2021


Chapter Ten

Belle sighed, ending her latest call and switching back over to the operator. “Got anyone yet?” she asked. She wasn’t familiar with this new operator, but Lainey didn’t hire morons, so she was sure this girl knew what she was doing.

“Yes, actually, just had a request come on the line for you.”

She glanced at the clock. Her pet. He always called around the same time of night. She’d been waiting forever for his call. “He my new frequent caller?”

“Yeah, same number.”

Thank God for Lainey’s anal-retentive business skills. The operators all had copies of her master spreadsheet.

“Great. Give me two minutes, then put him through.”

“You want me to make him hold? What if he hangs up?”

“He won’t,” she said simply.

“Um, I don’t know about this.”

“Look, sweetie, you’re new, so I get that you’re on board with Lainey’s no-waiting policy. Trust me on this one. He’s a good boy, and he’s going wait on the phone until I say otherwise. And he’s going to like it.”



Rachell Nichole
Dommes By Night

Contemporary steamy romance author: Fearless Feels. Brazen Heat. And a Side of Kink.